Raspberry Pi

How to install the PyCharm on the Raspberry pi operating system

PyCharm is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) specially designed for the Python programming language by the “JetBrains”. For advanced-level programming, the PyCharm is used as it can compile, debug, point out the errors in the code, and assist in fixing the errors along with the easy navigation of the project.

Though the Raspberry Pi already contains the pre-installed Python IDE’s like the Thonny and Mu editor which can be used for the basic Python programming, they do not contain the advanced level tools for the programmers. In this write-up, we will install the PyCharm on the Raspberry Pi and also learn the creation of its shortcut in the “Application Menu”.

How to install PyCharm on the Raspberry Pi

Before proceeding towards the installation of the PyCharm, we will first make sure the repository of the Raspberry Pi has been updated and upgraded by using the command:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y

Once all the packages of the raspberry are up to date, then we will go the official website of the PyCharm, and download the Linux package for the “Community” which is free and anyone can use it:

The other option is of the “Professional” which is a license download and the users have to pay an amount to enjoy its use, once the package is downloaded, we will confirm it from the following command by going to the “Downloads” directory and list down the contents by using the “ls” command:

$ cd Downloads && ls

To extract the folder, we will go to the Downloads directory, extract it by clicking the left button and click on the “Extract here”:

The PyCharm package is dependent on the Java, so we have to install the Java package to use the PyCharm, for this we use the following command for the installation of the PyCharm:

$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

Once the java package is installed, we will move the downloaded package to the “/opt” directory, so we have not to go the Downloads directory to use it:

$ sudo mv /home/pi/Downloads/pycharm-community-2021.3.3 /opt

How to create the shortcut of PyCharm on the Raspberry Pi menu

To create the shortcut of the PyCharm on the Raspberry Pi, we will go to the Raspberry Pi menu, then “Preferences” and then on the “Main Menu Editor”:

Now we will click on the “New item” on the right side of the window:

Now a dialogue box will appears in which we will add the following sections as:

Name: Pycharm

Command: /opt/pycharm-community-2021.3.3/bin/pycharm.sh/ (This is the path address where the executable “pycharm.sh” file is available)

Picture: The png logo of the Pycharm is available in the /opt/pycharm-community-2021.3.3/bin/

After this click on the Main Menu Editor “OK” button:

We can open it by clicking on the “Programming” and then on the “PyCharm”:

The application of the “PyCharm” will be launched:

Then it will ask for the license agreement, check on the box to accept the license, and then click on the “Continue” button:

The welcome screen of the PyCharm IDE will appear:


Python is a versatile language that is used for data science project development and also for web development. For Python the PyCharm is the recommendable IDE as it contains all the tools which are needed by the developers to interpret and debug the Python script. In this write-up, we have installed the PyCharm by downloading its package from its official website and then learned the method of creating the shortcut of PyCharm so it can be launched easily from the “Application menu” of the Raspberry Pi.

About the author

Hammad Zahid

I'm an Engineering graduate and my passion for IT has brought me to Linux. Now here I'm learning and sharing my knowledge with the world.