
How to install VirtualBox Guest Addition Image in a Virtual Machine?

The guest additions in VirtualBox contain the essential files and drivers that allow the virtual machine to function properly. The guest addition is configured as an ISO image to optimize and enhance the Virtual Machine functionalities with mouse and keyboard integration. The package driver also contains virtual video drivers that enhance the system performance and improve the graphics quality. When the drivers are not configured with the machine, the machine operates slowly and cannot give maximum performance.

This article will contain a profound step-by-step guide to:

Let’s start with the Windows Operating System.

How to install Guest Addition Image in Windows(VM)?

To install VirtualBox Guest Addition Image in a Windows Virtual Machine. Make sure you have a running Virtual Machine of Windows in Virtual Box.

Follow the steps to install the guest addition image.

Step 1: Start the VM

Open the VirtualBox, select the virtual machine(Windows 10), and start it.

Step 2: Log In to the VM’s OS

To login, enter the password and press Enter:

Step 3: Insert the Guest Additions Image

Once, the machine has started and the operating system has successfully booted; insert the Guest Addition from the “Device” menu of the VM as shown below:

Step 4: Open the “VirtualBox Guest Additions” Disc

In the file explorer and “My PC”, open the “VirtualBox Guest Additions” disc under the “Devices and Drives” section:

Step 5: Launch the “VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe” file

From a list of software that appeared, run the “VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe” file:

Grant access to the application and then click on the “Next” button.

After this, the installer would ask for the location where the guest additions are to be installed, go with the default location, and click on “Next”:

Finally, click the “Install” button.

Step 6: Reboot the System

Lastly, restart the virtual machine for the changes to take place:

That’s all about installing the guest addition image on Windows in a Virtual Machine.

How to install Guest Addition Image in Linux?

To install VirtualBox Guest Addition Image in a Virtual Machine having Linux installed in it. Make sure you have a running Virtual Machine of Linux in Virtual Box.

Step 1: Start the VM

Open the VirtualBox and power on the Ubuntu virtual machine:

Step 2: Log In to the VM’s OS

Authenticate the account by entering the password and log in:

Step 3: Update the repository

Update and upgrade the system’s repository by using the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 4: Install Linux Kernel headers

To compile the VirtualBox guest additions, you need to install the required package modules. Use the command typed below to install the Linux Kernel headers:

sudo apt install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) -y

Step 5: Insert the Guest Additions Image

To insert the guest addition ISO image, click on the Devices tab in the top navigation bar, and from the menu select the “Insert Guest Additions CD Image” option:

You can verify from the file explorer as well as shown below:

Step 6: Move to the inserted “VBox Guest Additions Image” Directory

In the following step, the username e.g. “user”(in our case), and the VBox version could be different in the /media/ directory. So, the user should first know the right names of directories using the “ls” command as shown in the screenshot below, and then move to the directory where the “” file is located:

Step 7: Install Virtual Box guest Additions for Linux

Lastly, execute the command typed below to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions in Linux Operating systems:

sudo ./

Step 8: Reboot

Finally, reboot the machine to ensure the respective changes have taken place using the “reboot” command.


That’s all about installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions in a Virtual Machine running with a Linux Operating system.


To install the guest addition image in a virtual machine start the VM and insert the Guest Addition Image from the “Device” menu of the VM. Afterwards, install it by running the respective file according to the Operating system running inside the Virtual Machine and you will have a clean installation of VirtualBox Guest Additions. This article demonstrated the installation of VirtualBox Guest Additions in Virtual machines including Windows as well as Linux.

About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.