If you are getting similar messages with the exception
Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ MethodNotAllowedHttpException
The problem is usually that you haven’t specified the proper route type.
You are getting that error because you might be posting to a GET route.
Try splitting your routing for into a separate GET and POST routes.
New Routes:
Route::post('validate', 'MemberController@validateCredentials');
Route::get('validate', function () {
return View::make('members/login');
Route::get('validate', function () {
return View::make('members/login');
Then your controller method could just be
public function validateCredentials()
$email = Input::post('email');
$password = Input::post('password');
return "Email: " . $email . " and Password: " . $password;
$email = Input::post('email');
$password = Input::post('password');
return "Email: " . $email . " and Password: " . $password;