Data Science

Securing MLflow Deployments

MLflow deployment security is crucial in order to protect the end-user sensitive information, models, and experiments from illicit access or potential attacks. MLflow deployments must be secured against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. This is done through the process of secure MLflow deployment.

Recommended Approaches for Secure MLflow Deployment

Approach 1: Use HTTPS

Make that the MLflow server is set up to send the data between clients and the server using the HTTPS (TLS/SSL) encryption. We must set up the MLflow server to use the SSL/TLS certificates in order to enable HTTPS for MLflow deployment. Here is a comprehensive explanation on how to do it:

1. Obtain the SSL/TLS Certificates

Let’s Encrypt allows the users to create free SSL/TLS certificates or obtain them from reliable CAs.

2. Prepare the Certificates

Install the SSL/TLS certificate and private key in a secure location that the MLflow server can access. The files usually consist of the following:

    • cert.pem: The SSL/TLS certificate.
    • key.pem: The private key that links to the certificate.

3. Configure the MLflow Server

By supplying the ssl_context parameter to the Flask app when starting the server, HTTPS may be enabled for the MLflow server. The ssl_context should contain the locations of the certificates and private key files.

Example on how to modify the MLflow server code to enable HTTPS:

from flask import Flask as flk

# Create a Flask app

mlflow_flask_app = flk(__name__)

# Enforce HTTPS for the entire app

mlflow_flask_app.wsgi_app = mlflow_flask_app.wsgi_app

if __name__ == '__main__': (ssl_context=('cert.pem', 'key.pem') , port=443,)

Before running the code, install the flask-talisman using the pip command:

4. Run the MLflow Server

Save the modified code in a Python file (e.g., and run the script. The MLflow server will now listen on port 443 and use HTTPS for secure communication.

Approach 2: Authentication

Implement the strong authentication mechanisms to control the access to MLflow deployment. Integrate MLflow with authentication providers like OAuth2, LDAP, or SAML to authenticate the users before allowing them with access.

import mlflow

import google.auth

def secure_mlflow_deployment():

# Create a Google OAuth 2.0 client.

credentials, _ = google.auth.default()

# Set the OAuth 2.0 client as the authentication mechanism for MLflow.

mlflow.set_authentication_method("oauth2", credentials)

# Start the MLflow server.


if __name__ == "__main__":


The google.auth.default() function only returns the default credentials if they have already been setup.

To create an OAuth client ID, navigate to the Google Cloud Platform Console, click on the “Credentials” tab, create a Web application, enter a name, download the JSON file, save it, and set it as the default credentials by running the following command:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/client_id.json"

Approach 3: Defining the Models

Define the User and Role models for authentication. These models can be stored in a database. But for simplicity, let’s use an in-memory dictionary in this example:

from typing import Dict

class User:

def __init__(self, param_username: str, param_password: str, param_user_roles: Dict[str, bool]):

self.u_username = param_username

self.u_password = param_password

self.u_roles = param_user_roles

class Role:

def __init__(self, pram_role_name: str, param_permissions_dict: Dict[str, bool]):

self.role_name = pram_role_name

self.role_permissions = param_permissions_dict

users = {

  "mark": User("mark", "mark876", {"admin": True, "user": True}),

  "james": User("james", "james123", {"user": True}),


roles = {

  "admin": Role("admin", {"*": True}),

  "user": Role("user", {"*": False}),


The code defines two classes, User and Role, which represent the authentication models, with the users’ dictionary containing the users and the roles dictionary containing the roles.

The user class has a username, password, and roles attributes which represent the user’s username, password, and roles dictionary.

The “Role” class has the name and permissions attributes which represent the roles’ names and permissions.

Approach 4: Authorization

Setup the fine-grained access controls to determine what actions the users can perform within the MLflow server.

from typing import Dict

import mlflow

class User:

def __init__(self, p_username: str, p_password: str, p_roles: Dict[str, bool]):

self.user_username = p_username

self.user_password = p_password

self.user_roles = p_roles

class Role:

def __init__(self, p_username: str, p_permissions: Dict[str, bool]):

self.role_name = p_username

self.role_permissions = p_permissions

users = {

  "johndoe": User("johndoe", "password", {"admin": True, "user": True}),

  "janedoe": User("janedoe", "password", {"user": True}),


roles = {

  "admin": Role("admin", {"*": True}),

  "user": Role("user", {"*": False}),


def authorize(username: str, password: str, action: str, resource: str) -> bool:

user = users.get(username)

if not user or user.user_password != password:

return False

for role_name, has_permission in user.user_roles.items():

role_oj = roles.get(role_name)

if not role_oj:


if action in role_oj.role_permissions:

if role_oj.permissions[action] and resource == "*":

return True

if resource in role_oj.permissions[action]:

return True

return False

def main():

var_username = input("Enter Username: ")

var_password = input("Enter Password: ")

action = input("Action: ")

resource = input("Resource: ")

if authorize(var_username, var_password, action, resource):

print("User is authorized")


print("User is not authorized")

if __name__ == "__main__":


The code defines two classes, User and Role, which represent the authentication models, with the users’ dictionary containing the users and the roles dictionary containing the roles.

The “User” class has the username, password, and roles attributes with the username representing the user’s identity, the password representing the password, and the roles representing the roles.

The “Role” class has the name and permissions attributes which represent the roles’ names and permissions.

The function checks if a user exists in the user’s dictionary and returns “True” if they are authorized to act on a resource.

If the user exists, the function then validates if the user has the authorization to perform the action on the resource. The permissions are stored in the roles dictionary.

If the user has permission to perform the action, the function returns “True”. Otherwise, the function returns “False”.

Output of the Code Execution:

Approach 5: Audit Logging

Add the audit logging to MLflow deployments to monitor the user activities and identify the security breaches. Use Python’s built-in logging module and MLflow’s event hooks to record the user activities and MLflow-specific events during deployment:

1. Import the Required Modules

Import the required modules at the MLflow server code’s beginning.

import logging

from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient

2. Configure the Logging

Set the logging settings for storage and level in a file or centralized system.

import logging

# Configure logging

logging.basicConfig( filename='mlflow_audit.log',

# Change the filename and path as needed


format='%(asctime)s -> %(levelname)s -> %(message)s',)

3. Implement the Audit Logging Using Event Hooks

MLflow allows registering the event hooks which are the functions that are called whenever certain events occur. Use the event hooks to log the various events related to the MLflow server.

import logging

import mlflow

from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient

import os

os.environ["GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH"] = "quiet"

# Configure logging


filename='mlflow_audit.log', # Change the filename and path as needed


format='%(asctime)s -> %(levelname)s -> %(message)s',)

def log_mlflow_event(event):

# Log the MLflow event"MLflow Event: {event}")

tracking_uri = "http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER"


# Register the event hook

with mlflow.start_run(run_id=None) as run:

mlflow_client = MlflowClient()

mlflow_client.set_hook(, log_mlflow_event)

Execute the logging file using the Python compiler successfully.

3. Review the Logs and Setup Monitoring

Review the audit log file (mlflow_audit.log) to track the events, actions, and control file sizes for security risks.

Approach 6: Network Security

To protect the MLflow deployment from external threats and attacks, implement the network security measures such as firewall configuration, secure network protocol, DMZ and network segmentation, VPN, SSH and remote access, intrusion detection and prevention systems, container network security, logging and monitoring, regular security audits, and keeping the software up-to-date with the latest security patches. These measures ensure that the server is accessible only to trusted sources and that communication between clients and the server remains secure. By implementing these best practices, we can provide the security of MLflow deployment and maintain a secure environment for clients.

Approach 7: Secure Storage

MLflow deployment security involves implementing the best practices to protect the sensitive data including metadata, model artifacts, and credentials. It is essential to have access controls, database security, file storage security, and encryption at rest. Regular backups, disaster recovery plans, and security audits ensure a policy compliance. Secure container image handling, data transfer, and model deployment ensure the data availability and compliance.

Approach 8: Containerization

To secure the MLflow deployment using containers like Docker, use the official Docker images, minimize the container size, multi-stage builds, use the Principle of Least Privilege, store sensitive information in environment variables, limit the network exposure, and use volume mounting. Regularly update the containers, use security scanning tools, consider the container orchestration tools, limit the capabilities to necessary functions, and use a secure container registry for image storage.

Approach 9: Regular Updates

Regular updates are essential for securing the MLflow deployments. Follow the release notes, create a version management policy, automate the dependency checks, perform system backups, test the updates in staging environments, have a rollback plan, secure the container images, keep the server OS updated, use a CI/CD pipeline, and monitor the security announcements. Apply the security patches promptly and use a continuous integration/deployment pipeline.

Approach 10: Least Privilege Principle

Empower the users with only the access they require to carry out their tasks. To minimize unintentional or deliberate misuse, avoid granting extensive administrative rights.

Approach 11: User Education

To avoid accidental security breaches, educate the employees about security and best practices and the significance of data protection.


To secure the MLflow deployment, it is essential to use strong passwords and authentication methods, encrypt the data, use a secure network, monitor the deployment for security threats, and keep the MLflow software up-to-date. In addition, we can use a separate MLflow server for production deployments and a staging environment to test the MLflow deployments before deploying them to production and have a plan for responding to security incidents.

About the author

Kalsoom Bibi

Hello, I am a freelance writer and usually write for Linux and other technology related content