
How to Flip Rows and Columns of a Matrix in MATLAB?

Flipping the rows and columns of a matrix in MATLAB is a crucial task since it helps users in performing data manipulation and analysis tasks. By rearranging the rows and columns, users can easily transform the structure of the matrix according to their needs.

This article will explain how to flip rows and columns of a matrix in MATLAB.

How to Flip Rows and Columns of a Matrix in MATLAB?

There are several ways to flip rows and columns of a matrix in MATLAB that are listed below:

1: Using transpose (‘) Operator

In MATLAB, the transpose operator (‘), also known as the complex conjugate transpose or Hermitian transpose, is used to flip the rows and columns of a matrix. When applied to a matrix with all real entries, it performs a simple flip, interchanging rows with columns. However, when applied to a matrix with complex entries, it not only flips the rows and columns but also calculates the complex conjugate of each complex entry, effectively finding the transpose of the matrix. This operation is useful in various mathematical and computational tasks involving matrices in MATLAB.

For example:

A = [1 2 3;5 6 7;8 9 0];


2: Using transpose() Function

The transpose() is a built-in MATLAB function that works in the same way as the (‘) operator by flipping the rows and columns of the given real or complex matrix without calculating the complex conjugate of the specified matrix.

For example:

A = [1 2 3;5 6 7;8 9 0];


3: Using flipud() Function

The flipud() is a built-in MATLAB function used for flipping the rows of a matrix in the up-to-down direction. It accepts a matrix as an argument and returns a new matrix with the columns flipped.

For example:

A = [1 2 3;5 6 7;8 9 0];


4: Using fliplr() Function

The fliplr() is a built-in MATLAB function that allows us to flip the columns of a given matrix from the left to the right direction. It can be used to reverse the order of the columns in a matrix, providing a convenient way to manipulate and rearrange data in MATLAB.

For example:

A = [1 2 3;5 6 7;8 9 0];



MATLAB includes multiple ways to flip rows and columns of a matrix including the transpose (‘) operator, transpose() function, flipud() function, and fliplr() function. The main objective of all these methods is to flip the rows and columns of a matrix according to their functionalities. This tutorial demonstrated all these methods using some examples.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.