
Why Do We Use DWORD Rather than Unsigned int in C++

When it comes to programming in C++, there are various data types to choose from, each with its own set of benefits and limitations. One such data type is the DWORD, which is unique to Microsoft Windows. In this article, we will discuss why it is essential to use DWORD rather than unsigned int in C++.

What is DWORD

First, it’s important to understand what DWORD is. In C++, the term “double word” (or “DWORD”) refers to a specific data type that is exclusive to Microsoft Windows. A DWORD is a 32-bit unsigned data unit defined in the <windows.h> file, capable of holding integer values ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 decimals. But why do we use DWORD instead of unsigned int in C++?

Why Do We Use DWORD Rather than Unsigned int in C++

The answer lies in the fact that Windows operations depend on DWORD‘s specific range and format, so using DWORD ensures compatibility with all upcoming Windows header releases. While unsigned int can represent non-negative integer values, it may not be suitable for specific ranges needed in Windows operations.

One of the reasons why DWORD is used instead of unsigned int is its compatibility with Windows. Windows operations depend on DWORD‘s specific range and format. Therefore, using DWORD when a specific range is needed is crucial. While an unsigned int can represent non-negative integer values in the limit 0 to 4294967295 decimals, it may not always be enough for Windows operations. In contrast, a DWORD can hold larger integer values, making it more suitable for Windows programming.

Another reason why DWORD is preferred over unsigned int is the handling of negative numbers. A signed int can represent negative numbers, while an unsigned int can only represent non-negative integer values. Furthermore, using a signed integer in a program code with greater values can lead to an overflow error. On the other hand, values exceeding the highest unsigned integer value never cause an overflow error because they are reduced to the largest number’s modulo plus one, which is an unsigned integer.

Moreover, if a function contains a DWORD parameter, using DWORD rather than an unsigned int will ensure that the program code is compatible with all upcoming Windows header releases. This is because Microsoft defines DWORD in <windows.h> rather than being a type in C++. Microsoft has defined its word size to be 16 bits long, and the DWORD is defined as 32 bits long across all platforms. The most significant bit (MSB) of DWORD is not allocated for signing because it is an unsigned integer.

In contrast, the definition of unsigned int may vary across different platforms and future versions of C++, which could drastically change how the unsigned int is defined. However, the DWORD is unlikely to change as Microsoft chose to define it specifically for WinAPI.

Example of DWORD in C++

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
    DWORD value = 12345;
    std::cout << "The value of DWORD is: " << value << std::endl;
    return 0;

In this example, he necessary header files are included and define a variable value of type DWORD with an initial value of 12345. We then print out the value of the DWORD variable using the cout stream.

The above program will output “The value of DWORD is: 12345”.


While both DWORD and unsigned int are data types that can be used in C++, DWORD is more suitable for Windows programming due to its compatibility with Windows operations and handling of larger integer values. Furthermore, using DWORD when a function contains a DWORD parameter ensures the program’s compatibility with all upcoming Windows header releases. Therefore, it’s best to use DWORD in C++ rather than unsigned int for Windows programming.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.