
Save Docker Container as Image

Docker containers are the major component of the Docker platform that are widely used to containerize applications and projects. These containers manage projects by encapsulating the project’s dependencies and source code and are further instructed by Docker images. Docker images guide the containers on how to deploy and manage applications.

Typically, Docker containers are created by Docker images. Developers occasionally update the Dockerfile or source code. After that, they want to update or create new images through the container or save the container as an image.

This blog will demonstrate how to create and save a Docker container as an image.

How to Create a Container in Docker?

To containerize the application, first, create a container through the Docker image. For this purpose, go through the provided instructions.

Step 1: Create Base Container

First, create the Docker container through the “docker create” command. Here:

  • –name” is used to specify the container name.
  • -p” defines the port on which the container will execute
  • dockerimage” is a Docker image used to build a Docker container:

> docker create –name base-container -p 8080:8080 dockerimage

Step 2: List Docker Containers

To verify if the base container is created or not, list down all Docker containers using “docker ps -a” command:

> docker ps -a

Step 3: List Docker Images

Next, list down the Docker images using “docker images -a” command. Here, you can see that we only have the “dockerimage” Docker image:

> docker images -a

Step 4: Start Container

Now, start the base Docker container using the “docker start” command:

> docker start base-container

Now, navigate the port on which you have executed the Docker container. In our scenario, we have visited “localhost:8080” on the browser:

How to Save a Docker Container as Docker Image?

In order to save the Docker container as a Docker image, users are required to commit the container. Upon doing so, the unnamed Docker image will be created from the Docker container. For the proper guideline, go through the given instructions.

Step 1: Update Program or Dockerfile

Let’s make minor changes in the Docker container’s application. For instance, we changed the content that is displayed on the specified port:

Step 2: Commit Base Container and Save Container as an Image

Next, commit the changes and base container using the “docker commit <container-name>” command. This command will also create an unnamed Docker image as a copy of the container:

> docker commit base-container

Step 3: List Docker Images

To verify if the container is saved as a Docker image, list down the Docker images:

> docker images -a

It can be noticed that the unnamed “<none>” image is saved as a container. Users can name the Docker image using image id:

Step 4: Name the Image Created by Base Container

To name the Docker image, utilize the “docker tag <image-id> <image-name>” command:

> docker tag ff44b4d0a542 container-img

List down the images and check if the name is changed or not:

> docker images -a

It can be noticed that we have successfully saved the container as “container-img” Docker image.


To save the Docker containers as images, first, create a simple base container that will be saved as a Docker image. Make changes in containerized application and commit the changes and base container through the “docker commit” command. This command will also save the container copy as a Docker image. Users can use the “docker tag” command to name the image. This blog has demonstrated how to save a container as an image.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.