
Bootstrap Italics With Code Examples

While developing a website, styling text is one of the major tasks. It is necessary to style text in order to make the website neat and readable. CSS offers the “font-style” property to apply text styles, including the “italic” style. However, Bootstrap provides the “font-italic” class to make the text italicized.

This write-up will explain how to make text italicized using Bootstrap.

Bootstrap Italics With Code Examples

In Bootstrap, the “font-italic” class is utilized to make text italicized. It has a predefined CSS “font-style” property with the value “italic”.

We will learn the Bootstrap italics by implementing the following examples:

How to Make the Text Italicized Within the Paragraph in Bootstrap?

The “<span>” is an inline element. It is utilized with the class “font-italic” within the paragraph to make the text italicized.

Check out the example mentioned below:

  • Add the “<h1>” element to specify the heading.
  • Then, add the “<p>” tags to add a paragraph. Use the “<span>” element with the class “font-italic” around the text which you want to emphasize.


<h1>Linuxhint </h1>

<p>Linuxhint provides quality <span class="font-italic"> video tutorials</span> and <span class="font-italic">articles</span> and is the best tutorial website.</p>


How to Make the Text of “<a>” Element Italicized in Bootstrap?

The HTML “<a>” tag is used to make the text clickable. To make its text in italic style, add the class “font-italic” as shown in the below example:

<p><a class="font-italic" href="">click here</a> to visit the Linuxhint Official website.</p>


That was all about making text italic in Bootstrap with examples.


To make the text italicized in Bootstrap, the “font-italic” class is utilized. This class has a predefined CSS “font-style” property with the value “italic”. To make the text italic within the paragraph, the “<span>” element with the “font-italic” class is used. This write-up has described how to make text italic in Bootstrap with code examples.

About the author

Nadia Bano

I am an enthusiastic and forward-looking software engineer with an aim to explore the global software industry. I love to write articles on advanced-level designing, coding, and testing.