Windows OS

Difference Between Windows 10 Feature Update and Cumulative Updates 2022

Are you a full-time Windows user but don’t know much about the various Windows 10 updates? If so, you need to know the difference between Windows 10 feature updates and the Windows 10 cumulative update. Both of them update Windows 10 but with different sets of features. If you want to know in-depth, then stick with this article till the end.

This write-up will overview various aspects to differentiate the two Windows updates.

What is the Difference Between Windows 10 Feature Update and Cumulative Updates 2022?

The difference between the two updates is that Windows 10 feature update comes with major updates like updating the features and drivers and releases updates after every six months. While Windows 10 cumulative updates are released every month.

Let’s find out more about the difference between Windows 10 feature updates and cumulative updates by discussing each of them individually!

Windows 10 Feature Updates

Windows 10 feature updates are released twice a year by Microsoft. This update is also called the Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) because of the fact that it releases every six months. It improves the overall features and quality of Windows. It is more like upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Before releasing feature updates, Microsoft launches the Windows Insider Preview Builds to get user feedback. It launches the same Windows preview build for the general users first and then finally for the business-related users after getting positive feedback.

Whenever Microsoft launches the Windows 10 feature update in the market, it is then readily available on Windows 10-supported devices. These updates automatically download and install themselves on the supported devices or can be manually installed on Windows 10-supported devices. The Windows 10 feature update is also available in the ISO format on Microsoft’s website and can be downloaded.

Windows 10 Cumulative Updates

Windows 10 cumulative updates are available every month, unlike Windows 10 feature updates which are available to install after six months. Cumulative updates are available on Tuesday of every month’s second week. These types of updates mostly update the new and old releases in bundles. However, Microsoft recommends installing only the latest releases’ cumulative updates.

Cumulative updates are called quality updates because they come with security patches and fix bugs. These are maintenance updates meant to rectify the bug fixes and improve the security of Windows 10. They are not meant to update or include new features, visual improvements, or other significant improvements.

Windows 10 Feature Update VS Windows Cumulative Updates

Here is a comparison table that will help you to understand more easily the difference between both updates:

  Windows 10 Feature Update Windows 10 Cumulative Update
Purpose Keeps Windows 10 secure Updates Windows 10 with new features
Release cycle Every month Every six months
Release Time Slot Second Tuesday of every month Spring and Fall of every year
Available on Windows Update, Microsoft Update Catalog Windows Update, ISO
Download File Size 150MB Minimum 2GB

We have offered the essential information related to the Windows 10 features update and cumulative updates.


Windows 10 feature updates are released every six months, which include the latest features and performance improvements, while Windows 10 cumulative updates are released every month, and they are responsible for the security and bug fixes. This write-up compared the Windows 10 feature update and Windows 10 cumulative updates.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.