
What is the Tupperbox Limit?

Discord server is the most common interaction platform used for communication among unknown and known users. Most Discord servers specifically belong to different categories, such as gaming, education, art, health, and many more. Among a lot of users, you may sometimes feel discomfort revealing your identity. However, it is required to do so to start communicating.

The Discord Tupperbox bot is specifically used to create fake profiles(Tuppers) of users or change the real name of users to hide their real identities. Tupperbox bot supports Tupper creation, deletion, sending messages through Tupper, changing Tupper avatar, or many other options.

In this blog, we will learn:

Let’s start!

What is the Tupperbox Limit?

As we have explained, the Tupperbox bot is utilized to register Tupper for users. Now, the question arises that how many times a user can create tuppers and the number of proxies allowed per message on Discord.

In the normal or free Tupperbox version, you can register up to 500 tuppers and 10 proxies per message. However, in the Tupper premium version, you are allowed to register up from 500 tuppers to 5000 tuppers. The Tupperbox premium version also enables you to use 30 proxies per message.

Note: To add Tupperbox on your Discord server, follow over another dedicated article.

How to Use Tupperbox to Register New Tupper?

Tupperbox is primarily used to hide user identity. In order to create Tupper using Tupperbox, you are required to add the Tupperbox bot first in the Discord server. For this purpose, navigate to the Tupperbox official website, then hit the “Add to Server” button to invite the Tupperbox bot to the Discord server.

In order to use the Tupperbox bot to register a new Tupper on the Discord server, follow the below provided steps.

Step 1: Open Discord

Firstly, launch the Discord application from the Start menu:

Step 2: Open Discord Server

Open the Discord server from the left menu bar in which it is required to create a new tupper:

Step 3: Register Tupper

Execute Tupperbox “tul!register” command to register a new tupper. Also, provide Tupper’s name and bracket through which you can interact with other users. For instance, we have set “Jenny” as the Name and “jenny:” as bracket text:

Here you can see we have successfully registered a new Tupper on the Discord server:

Step 4: Send Message Through New Tupper

To verify whether the new Tupper is registered and working properly, send a message using bracket text to the Discord server:

It can be seen that we have successfully sent a message through tupper on the Discord server:

You have learned what the Tupperbox limit is and how to use it on the Discord server.


In the normal Tupperbox version, the limit for registering new tuppers is up to 500 and 10 proxies per message. However, in the Tupperbox premium version, you can register tuppers up from 500 to 5000 and use 30 proxies per message. In this blog, you have learned what the Tupperbox limit on Discord is and how to use it to register a new Tupper on the Discord server.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.