Raspberry Pi

8 Ways to Find IP Address of Raspberry Pi

IP address is the one of necessary things that should be known to the user as the system is identified based on it. Moreover, to access the network settings you will need the IP address of your system and in case of Raspberry Pi having the IP address is very important as most of the times the Raspberry Pi is accessed through IP address via SSH. However, there are multiple ways of finding an IP address of Raspberry Pi which will be discussed in this guide

8 Ways of Finding IP Address of Raspberry Pi

Mainly there are two ways by which one can interact with the Raspberry Pi one is by using its terminal and second is by using its GUI, so using both ways of interaction you can find the IP of Raspberry Pi.

Terminal Commands for Finding IP Address of Pi

There are in total 6 terminal commands that you can use to find the IP address of Raspberry Pi and those are given one by one:

Command 1:

$ ifconfig

Command 2:

$ ip a

Command 3:

$ ifconfig wlan0

Command 4:

$ hostname -I

Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated

Command 5:

$ ip addr

Text Description automatically generated

Command 6:

$ ip r

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Using GUI to find the IP address of Raspberry Pi

If you are not good at using terminal commands, then you can also use the GUI of Raspberry Pi to find to the IP address and there are two methods for it:

Method 1: Go to the “Connection information” in the “Advanced Options” after clicking in the Wi-Fi symbol on the top right side:

In the connection option you can find the IP address of your Pi as highlighted in the given image:

Method 2: The easiest way to find the IP address of Raspberry Pi is to just move your cursor on the Wi-Fi symbol present at the top right side of the taskbar and within one to two seconds your IP address will appear as in the image below:

Graphical user interface, website Description automatically generated

Q: How to connect Raspberry Pi by using its IP address?

There are several ways to connect the Raspberry Pi using its IP address, you can use the Windows PowerShell, using VNC viewer.


Knowing the IP address of Raspberry Pi is important as you will be needing it for various purposes like accessing it remotely, finding your Pi from the list of devices connected to a network or to change the connection settings. There are 9 ways to find the IP address of Raspberry Pi 6 of them are by using t5he terminal and 2 of them are by using the GUI.


About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.