
How to create a dropdown menu in HTML using CSS?

A dropdown menu is a way of letting the user explore different options available to him/her when using a website. These are somewhat a necessary widget when designing a website. CSS lets you create good-looking dropdown menus that make overall boost the user experience and beautify the look of your website. This post is comprised to provide:

  1. Creating a dropdown box
  2. Creating a dropdown menu

Let’s Begin

Creating a dropdown box

Often you must have seen that when you bring your mouse cursor over a piece of text or a button on a website a dropdown box appears. Here is how it is done.


This example demonstrates the creation of a dropdown box.


<div class="dropdown">

<button>Bring mouse here</button>

<div class="dropdown-content">

<p>Click me</p>



To make a dropdown box, first of all we made a div container to place the content of the dropdown box inside it, moreover, to open the dropdown box we have used a <button> element.


.dropdown {

position: relative;

display: inline-block;


The “dropdown” class has been assigned to the first div container that nests the whole the content. We have set its position to relative so that when the dropdown opens, it is placed right below the button.


.dropdown-content {

display: none;

background-color: whitesmoke;

width: 100%;

padding: 15px;


The div container that contains the dropdown content has been assigned the “dropdown-content” class. We have set the display to none, moreover, given it some width and padding.


.dropdown:hover .dropdown-content {

display: block;


Furthermore, to make the dropdown hoverable we assigned it the :hover state and set its display to block so that it appears below the button.

And lastly, we have styled our button as well according to our desire.


padding: 5px;

background-color: wheat;

font-family: Lucida Sans;



A dropdown box has been successfully created. Now let’s move to creating a dropdown menu.

Creating a dropdown menu

A dropdown menu consists of a list of options and it only opens when a user brings the mouse cursor over it. You can create dropdown menu on your website using CSS. Follow the example below.


<div class="dropdown">

<button class="dropbtn">Menu</button>

<div class="dropdown-content">

<a href="#contactus">Contact Us</a>

<a href="aboutus">About Us</a>

<a href="other">Other</a>



Here we added anchor tags to provide multiple options in the dropdown menu.



background-color: salmon;

color: white;

width: 100px;

padding: 18px;

border: 0;

font-size: 17px;


Firstly we our giving our button some style using various CSS properties.


.dropdown {

position: relative;

display: inline-block;

width: 160px;


As already explained above, we have set the position of the div with the “dropdown” class to relative so that when the dropdown opens, it is placed right below the button.


.dropdown-content {

display: none;

background-color: whitesmoke;

width: 100%;


Here we are using some basic CSS properties to style our dropdown content.


.dropdown-content a {

display: block;

color: black;

padding: 12px;

text-decoration: none;


IN the above CSS code, we are styling the links present inside the dropdown menu. We have set their display to block so that each link appears on a new line.


.dropdown:hover .dropbtn {

background-color: sandybrown;


.dropdown-content a:hover {

background-color: lightgrey;


.dropdown:hover .dropdown-content {

display: block;


Here we are styling the hover effects for the menu button and dropdown menu.


This is how you can create a dropdown menu successfully.


A dropdown menu provides a user different options available to him/her when using a website. You can create these dropdown menus using different CSS properties. For the purpose of creating a basic dropdown box you can use a div container and place the dropdown content inside it, furthermore, using CSS properties you can give it some style. Once you have learned how to create a basic dropdown box you can use similar techniques to create a dropdown menu. This guide teaches you how to create a dropdown menu with the help of an appropriate example.

About the author

Naima Aftab

I am a software engineering professional with a profound interest in writing. I am pursuing technical writing as my full-time career and sharing my knowledge through my words.