
Docker Overlay2 Cleanup

There is no mention of tools such as containers without the use of storage features to store application data. However, as you work with Docker containers, you might notice that the storage on your host system slowly starts to fill up. This occurs as the Docker engine retains layers and images that are no longer in use.

This can lead to performance degradation or unnecessary storage consumption on your host machine. To ensure optimum performance and free up valuable storage, you can perform periodic cleanup operations on the Docker ENGINE.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to cleanup the Docker overlay2 storage driver, which is the default storage driver for the Docker engine.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • A system with Docker installed and running.
  • Administrative privileges to perform cleanup tasks.

With the above requirements met, we can proceed.

Docker Overlay2 Storage Driver

A storage driver in Docker is a component that is responsible for managing how Docker containers and images are stored on the host system. The storage drivers are able to handle the composition of multiple layers, images and containers.

Overlay2 is one such storage driver. The overlay2 driver is the default driver for managing image layers and container fs.

Each time you pull an image or create a container, Docker creates new layers on top of existing ones.

Docker Remove Stopped Containers

The first and most common method of cleaning up the overlay2 storage driver is to remove the stopped containers. By default, Docker will store all stopped containers on the host system.

To remove them, run the command as shown:

$ sudo docker container prune

The command above will list the stopped containers and prompt you for confirmation before removing the containers. You can bypass the confirmation prompt with the -f flag, as shown:

$ sudo docker container prune -f

Docker Delete Unused Images

In some cases, you might have unused images on your Docker platform. Whether it is multiple different images or different versions of an image, Docker will retain all the pulled images which can become inefficient. To resolve this, you can remove all unused images, with the command:

$ sudo docker image prune

Similarly, the command above will prompt you for confirmation. Add the -f flag to remove prompt feature.

To remove any and all dangling images, use the command:

$ sudo docker image prune -a

Docker Remove Unused Volumes

Another Docker object that can accumulate over time is the volume. To remove any unused volumes, you can use the volumes prune command:

$ sudo docker volume prune

Again, use the -f flag to remove the prompt and force the object deletion.

Docker Clear Old Data

In other cases, even after pruning, Docker may leave behind some unused data. To clean up this storage, you can manually remove the Docker root directory.

NOTE: This action is dangerous and will remove all the images and containers stored in the engine.

Run the command:

$ sudo service docker stop

$ sudo docker rm -rf /var/lib/docker

$ sudo service docker start

As mentioned, this is a dangerous action and will reset all the Docker objects. Only use this method if you wish to reset your Docker instance to default.


In this tutorial, we learned how to cleanup Docker objects provided by the overlay2 storage driver.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list