
How to Use array_splice() Function to Remove Element in PHP?

An array is a crucial part of programming and is widely used to store and manipulate data in PHP. However, there are times when you need to remove specific elements from an array, and that’s where the array_splice() function comes in handy.

The main objective of this blog is to provide a detailed understanding of how to utilize the array_splice() function in PHP.

How to Use array_splice() Function to Remove Element in PHP

Before beginning, let’s first introduce what array_splice() function is.

What is array_splice() Function

array_splice() is a built-in PHP function that allows you to remove a portion of an array and replace it with something else or simply remove it altogether. In addition to removing elements from an array, this function can also be utilized to insert new elements at a specified position within the array.

Syntax for array_splice() Function
The syntax for the array_splice() function is as follows:

array_splice(array &$input, int $offset [, int $length = 0 [, mixed $replacement = array() ]]) : array

The array_splice() function is a PHP function used to remove and replace elements in an array. It takes three required parameters: the input array (array &$input), the index (int $offset) where the modification should start, and the number of elements to remove (int $length). The function can also take an optional parameter for replacement values.

How to Use array_splice() Function in PHP

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the array_splice() function in PHP:

Step 1: Initially you have to create an array that you want to modify and the below-given array is an example of it:

$myarr = array("Yellow", "Black", "White", "Orange", "Purple");

Step 2: Then determine the index at which you want to start removing elements from the array as this is the first argument to array_splice(). For example, if you want to remove the first two elements from an array, you have to start at index 0:

$start_index = 0;

Step 3: After that determine the number of elements you want to remove from the array as this is the second argument to array_splice(). For example, to remove two elements, you would use:

$length = 2;

Step 4: Now call the array_splice() function, passing in the array you want to modify, the start index, and the length:

array_splice($array_name, $start_index, $length);

This will remove the first two elements from the array.

Here is a complete PHP code that illustrates the above-mentioned steps:

// Step 1: create an array
$myarr = array("Yellow", "Black", "White", "Orange", "Purple");

// output the original array
echo "Original array: ";

// Step 2: determine the start index
$start_index = 0;

// Step 3: determine the length
$length = 2;

// Step 4: call array_splice() to remove elements
array_splice($myarr, $start_index, $length);

// output the modified array
echo "Modified array: ";



array_splice() is an essential function in PHP that simplifies the process of removing elements from an array. By specifying the index and length of the portion of the array you want to remove, you can quickly modify the array to fit your needs.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.