
How to Enable PSRemoting (Locally and Remotely)

PowerShell remoting or “PSRemoting” helps the users to execute the commands on the remote computers. The “PSRemoting ” is by default enabled on the system. However, sometimes it is not enabled on the systems. When the PSRemoting is enabled, commands are executed on the local system first and then sent to the remote systems. In return, the result is sent back to the local computer/system from a remote computer/system.

The following post will cover the method to enable the “PSRemoting” in PowerShell.

How to Enable PSRemoting (Locally and Remotely)?

The below approaches will be discussed in the below guide:

Method 1: Enable PSRemoting on the Local System

Enabling the “PSRemoting” on the local computer is not a difficult task. All it requires is to run a single command which is the “Enable-PSRemoting” cmdlet. For further assistance, overview the mentioned examples.

Example 1: Enable PSRemoting on the Local System by Executing the “Enable-PSRemoting” Command

Running only the “Enable-PSRemoting” cmdlet will enable the “PSRemoting” but it will check the network. While checking the network the errors are likely to come, as demonstrated below:



Example 2: Skip the Network Profile Check While Enabling PSRemoting

Now, when the “-SkipNetworkProfileCheck” parameter will be added along with the “Enable-PSRemoting” cmdlet, the network checking will be skipped while enabling the “PSRemoting”. This means the error messages won’t be displayed:

Enable-PSRemoting -SkipNetworkProfileCheck


Example 3: Re-Enable the Existing PSRemoting

If the “PSRemoting” is already enabled and creating some problems while using it, then it can be re-enabled by executing the “Enable-PSRemoting” cmdlet along with the “-Force” parameter:

Enable-PSRemoting -Force


Method 2: Enable PSRemoting on the Remote System

Enabling the “PSRemoting” on the remote system is quite a tricky and difficult task. However, it is not impossible. Enabling PSRemoting on the remote computer requires the installation of the “PsExec” utility.

Step 1: Install the PsExec Utility

Enabling the “PSRemoting” on the remote computer requires the “PsExec” utility to be installed on the system. For that reason, execute the given command:

Install-Module -Name psexec


Step 2: Enable the PSRemoting on the Remote Computer

After enabling the “PsExec” utility, enable the “PSRemoting” on the remote computer:

psexec.exe <Remote_Computer_Name> -s powershell Enable-PSRemoting -Force

According to the above code:

    • First, write the “psexec.exe” followed by the remote computer name.
    • Then, write the “-s” parameter and assign it the value “powershell”.
    • After that, write the “Enable-PSRemoting” along with the “-Force” parameter.

That was all about enabling PSRemoting on local and remote computers.


The “PSRemoting” can be enabled on the local system by executing the “Enable-PSRemoting” cmdlet. While on the remote computer, it is enabled with the support of the “psexec.exe” utility. The PSRemoting is the process to enable the system administrators to run the commands on the remote computer from a local computer. This post has explained the procedure to enable PSRemoting on both local and remote computers.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.