
How to Use the PowerShell Expand Property for Select-Object

The “Select-Object” cmdlet selects the objects and properties specified by the user from a group of objects or an array. While the “-ExpandProperty” cmdlet works as a switch for the “Select-Object” property, as it details the selected property or an object from an array. Moreover, it can select objects from a specific position in an array.

This blog will cover a guide about the “Select-Object” and the “-ExpandProperty” cmdlet.

How to Use/Utilize the PowerShell Expand Property for Select-Object?

The cmdlet “Select-Object” selects the objects from the collection of objects. However, the “-ExpandProperty” parameter gets the details of the specific selected property.

Example 1: Display the Selected Properties of an Object Using the “Select-Object” Cmdlet

This example will show only the selected values from an array:

$Pets = @(





According to the above code:

  • First, initialize an array of custom objects and assign it to the “$Pets” variable.
  • Inside the array, create three objects and mention the three properties in each object.
  • Lastly, define the values defined by the user:

Now, let’s select and display the values assigned to the name property:

$Pets | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

In the above-stated code:

  • First, add the “$Pets” variable, add the “|” pipeline and then specify the “Select-Object” cmdlet.
  • After that, add the “-ExpandProperty” parameter and assign the “Name” value.
  • It will display the names of all the objects assigned to them:

Example 2: Display the Last Five Running Process in PowerShell

This example will show the five last running processes using the “Select-Object” cmdlet and “-ExpandProperty” parameter”:

Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Last 5

According to the above code:

  • First, add the “Get-Process” cmdlet to get the list of processes and then specify the “|” pipeline to transfer the output of the previous cmdlet to the next cmdlet.
  • Then, add the “Select-Object” cmdlet, followed by the “-ExpandProperty” parameter, and assign it to the name.
  • Lastly, define the “-Last” parameter and assign the value “5” to it:

Example 3: Display the List of First Five Services in PowerShell

This example will show the services using the “Select-Object” cmdlet and “-ExpandProperty” parameter:

Get-Service | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -First 5

That was all about using the PowerShell Expand property for selecting objects.


The objects in PowerShell can be selected with the aid of the “Select-Object” cmdlet. However, the details of the specific objects can be retrieved by adding the “-ExpandProperty” parameter along with the “Select-Object” cmdlet. This blog has elaborated on PowerShell expand property for “Select-Object”.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.