
How to Apply Multiple Transforms in CSS?

Images are essential for expressing information and improving the appearance of a webpage. These HTML graphics are utilized for creating eye-catching visuals, including banner ads, drawings, and more. However, sometimes, it is required to rotate or flip images on the page to fit specific visual requirements for the business. For this purpose, CSS permits its users to apply multiple “transform” properties on HTML elements.

This writeup will demonstrate:

How to Insert an Image in a Div?

To add/insert an image in a div, try out the mentioned procedure.

Step 1: Create a div Container

First, create a div container by utilizing the “<div>” tag. Then, insert an “id” with a particular name.

Step 2: Make Another div Container

After that, create another div container. Also, add a class attribute inside the div tag and specify a class name.

Step 3: Add Image

Add an image by using the “<img>” tag and add the following mentioned attribute as follows:

  • src” is utilized for adding the path of the image inside the element.
  • height” property is utilized for specifying the height of the defined element.
  • width” property defines the element size horizontally:
<div id="img-transform">

 <div class="first-order">
 <img src="Studio_Project.jpeg" height="300px" width="400">

It can be observed that the image has been added successfully in the container:

Now, move toward the next section for applying multiple transforms on images in CSS.

How to Apply Multiple Transforms in CSS?

The “transform” property in CSS is used to modify the visual formatting model’s coordinate space. Additionally, it is utilized for applying various effects to the chosen elements, such as rotation, translation, and skew. Try out the detailed instructions for applying the numerous transformations in CSS.

To apply the multiple transforms in CSS, the user must try the following steps.

Step 1: Access First div

  text-align: center;

Access the first div container using the selector with the id name “#img-transform”. To do so, the “text-align” property is utilized for aligning the div container according to the specific value.

Step 2: Apply First Transform

Access the second div container with the help of the dot selector and the class name as “.first-order”. Then, apply the “transform” property to the selected class:

.first-order {
  transform: rotate(90deg) translate(135px, 180px);

According to the given code snippet:

  • The “transform” property is utilized for applying a 2D or 3D transformation on a defined element. This property permits the user for rotating, scaling, moving, and skewing the elements.
  • The “rotate()” value of the transform property is a function in CSS that rotates the element according to the specified value.
  • The “translate()” method moves an element from its current position (according to the parameters given for the X-axis and the Y-axis).


Step 3: Apply Second Transform

Now, access the second div container again and apply the following mentioned properties listed below:

  transform: rotate(-150deg);

  margin: 100px;


  • The “background-size” property establishes overrides the default behavior of tiling the picture and allows the user to choose the size of the background image of an element.
  • Then, the “transform” property is utilized for transforming the image according to the condition.
  • Next, “margin” allocates the space outside the defined boundary.


That was all about applying multiple transforms in CSS.


To apply the multiple transforms in CSS, first, create a div container with a “<div>” tag and add an id inside the div tag. Then, create another div container and insert a class with a specific name. After that, access div and apply the “transform” CSS property and set the value “rotate(90)” degree. Then, again repeat the same procedure for applying the other transform. This post explained the method for applying multiple transforms in CSS.

About the author

Hafsa Javed