
JSON is one of the most popular and useful data interchange formats of the modern age. Not only is it human-readable, but it is also easy to parse for machines and can be exported in various programming languages.

Hence, it is common that you will need to convert JSON data into a different format using various parsers.

For this tutorial, we will discuss how you can take a JSON string and construct a Plotly figure from it.

Let’s get started.

How to Export a Figure into JSON String

Before we dive into how we can convert a JSON string into a figure, we need to learn how to do the reverse first.

You can check our tutorial on the function to learn more. However, to recap, the write_json() function allows us to pass a figure and save it as a JSON string.

An example is as shown below:

import as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
    x = [1,2,3,4,5],
    y = [1,2,3,4,5]
fig = px.line(df, x="x", y="y")
import as io
io.write_json(fig, 'line_plot.json, pretty=True, engine='orjson')

In the example above, we are using Plotly to create a simple line graph using the px.line() function.

We then convert the figure into a JSON string and save it to a file called line_plot.json using the write_json() format.

The code above should return a JSON string as shown below:

  "data": [
      "hovertemplate": "x=%{x}<br>y=%{y}",
      "legendgroup": "",
      "line": {
        "color": "#636efa",
        "dash": "solid"
      "marker": {
        "symbol": "circle"
      "mode": "lines",
      "name": "",
      "orientation": "v",
      "showlegend": false,
      "x": [
      "xaxis": "x",
      "y": [
      "yaxis": "y",
      "type": "scatter"
  "layout": {
    "template": {
      "data": {
        "bar": [
            "error_x": {
              "color": "#2a3f5f"
            "error_y": {
              "color": "#2a3f5f"
            "marker": {
              "line": {
                "color": "#E5ECF6",
                "width": 0.5
              "pattern": {
                "fillmode": "overlay",
                "size": 10,
                "solidity": 0.2
            "type": "bar"
…………………………value truncated……………………………………………………..

As we can see from the output above, we get a well formatted JSON string, which we can use to convert back into a Plotly figure.

This is where the from_json() function comes into play. It allows us to construct a figure from a JSON string.

The function syntax is as shown below:, output_type='Figure', skip_invalid=False, engine=None)

The function parameters are as shown:

  1. Value – specifies the string or bytes object that contains the JSON string.
  2. Output_type – This parameter specifies the output figure type or type name. Accepted values include:
    1. Graph_objects.Figure
    2. ‘Figure’
    3. Graph_objects.FigureWidget
    4. ‘FigureWidget’
  3. Skip_invalid – tells the function if it should ignore invalid properties from the JSON string. If false, any invalid property will raise an exception.
  4. Engine – specifies the JSON parsing engine.

The function will then return a Figure or FigureWidget as specified by the output_type parameter.

Example 1

To illustrate how this function works, let us take our previous JSON string and convert it back into a figure.

The code is as shown:

import json
import as io
with open('line_plot.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
    data = json.dumps(data)
io.from_json(data, output_type='Figure')

In the example above, we start by importing the json and modules.

We then use the open function to read the JSON file we exported earlier. This should give us a JSON string in a dictionary format.

Since the from_json() function can only accept the JSON data as a string and not a dictionary, we convert it into a JSON string using the json.dumps() function.

Finally, we pass the JSON string to the function and return a figure as shown:

If you want to plot the figure as a widget, we can change the output_type parameter to ‘FigureWidget’ as shown in the code below:

import json
with open('line_plot.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
    data = json.dumps(data)
io.from_json(data, output_type='FigureWidget')

The code should return a similar figure but as a Widget as shown by the type:

print(type(io.from_json(data, output_type='FigureWidget')))

The resulting output:

<class 'plotly.graph_objs._figurewidget.FigureWidget'>

We can see that the resulting value is a figurewidget.FigureWidget type.


In this article, we discovered how we can create a figure from a JSON string using Plotly’s from_json() function.

Check out other Linuxhint tutorials on Plotly to expand your knowledge.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list