Raspberry Pi

How Does Raspberry Pi Work

Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer that can be connected to different peripherals and can be used for various applications like home automation, robotics, retro gaming, and many others. Raspberry was first released in 2012 and later, several versions of Raspberry were released, including Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3, and 4. The Raspberry Pi 4 is recently launched and has a significantly stronger processor and RAM that can go up to 8GB. The quad-core Broadcom BCM2711 SoC processor is one of the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B’s main advantages that make it a better device compared to its predecessor.

If you are confused about how Raspberry Pi works? Follow this article for detailed guidance.

Let’s start!

Raspberry Pi Board – How Does it Works

Raspberry Pi looks like a tiny computer that is basically equivalent to a deck of cards with different components which are soldered on one board and we have all components that we need to connect for input or output devices. To use Raspberry Pi features, you must need an operating system, and the main advantage of Raspberry Pi device is that it can support different Linux-based operating systems. It also has its own operating system called Raspberry Pi OS that you can install from here and start exploring the device’s features.

Python is the main language Raspberry Pi uses and it can help you create GUI apps, websites, and applications; it can be used to control robots, smart appliances, and play games. However, to do all these tasks, you must know about each component and their working as this will help you in understanding the working principle of Raspberry Pi.

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There are various components of Raspberry Pi such as ARM CPU/GPU, GPIO, RCA, Audio out, LEDs, USB, HDMI, power, and SD card slot. All these components are the reason behind how the Raspberry Pi device works and we will discuss them below.

ARM Processor

The processor of a device is a core part that helps the device to operate. The Raspberry Pi device has an ARM Cortex quad-core processor with a clock speed 1.5Hz. Unfortunately, ARM processor designs are not open source which means they are not available or declared online to have a better understanding of how this processor work. But overall ARM Processors have great performance status in the market.


GIPO is exposed outside for the user for connection points that allows real hardware hobbyists the chance to experiment. To start creating projects with Raspberry Pi, you will surely need these pins. There is a total of 40 GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi, which allow users to connect different modules or circuit boards with their devices. Raspberry Pi also has the option of digital pins to transmit digital data.

For further details, visit here.


There is a serial input and output port called the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. The debugging code can be converted using URAT, and serial data can be transferred in text form.

SD Card slot

There is a micro-SD card slot available on the Raspberry Pi board, which is mainly used for installing and running an operating system on your Raspberry Pi device and it can also act as the main storage system. Various types of SD cards from different companies are available in the market that can be used with Raspberry Pi.

Also, read the best SD card for Raspberry Pi.


If you want to display the Raspberry Pi output, you will need the HDMI cable that you can connect to your laptop or monitor and see the Raspberry Pi display on the screen.

Indicating LEDs

LEDs tell the user the on or off status of the Raspberry Pi. It communicates with the user and tells the user about all indicators. For further details about these LEDs, follow here.

XBee Socket

The Raspberry Pi board uses the XBee connector for WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity.


RCA port allows users to connect analog devices and many other output devices as it supports video output over HDMI.

Audio Jack

The audio jack on Raspberry Pi helps users in connecting different audio devices like headphones or speakers. This is a standard 3.5 mm port that can be used to listen to Raspberry Pi audio because the device doesn’t have built-in speakers.

USB Ports

There are 4 USB ports available on Raspberry Pi 4 that can be used to connect various devices like a flash drive, USB Camera, USB microphone, and others. Two of these ports are Thunderbolt which ensures fast data transfer. You can utilize these ports to connect Mouse and keyboard to your Raspberry Pi device to make it a perfect choice to replace your desktop environment.

All these components are useful in performing different tasks on your Raspberry Pi device.


The working of Raspberry Pi totally depends on its Arm Cortex Processor and the components that help Raspberry Pi board to work in performing different tasks include GPIO pins, HDMI ports, USB Ports, LEDs, UART, RCA, XBee Socket, and audio port. Raspberry Pi has its own Operating System known as Raspberry Pi OS which is Linux based but other Linux distributions are also supported on it. You can install the OS on an SD card, which is also one of the major components of Raspberry Pi.

About the author

Zahra Zamir

An Electronics graduate who loves to learn and share the knowledge, my passion for my field has helped me grasp complex electronics concepts and now I am here to share them with others.