
R Export Plotly PNG

“When working with Plotly Figures, you will come across an instance where you need to export them into static figures. You can then use these images to share insights with other developers or clients.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to export a Plotly figure into a static image in the R programming language.”

Let’s get started.

Installing Image Export Engine

Before we get to exporting images with R code, we need to ensure we have the image export engine installed on our system. R uses the orca engine for exporting static images.

You can install Orca using anaconda as shown:

$ conda install -c plotly plotly-orca
You can also use NPM by running the command:
$ npm install -g electron@6.1.4 orca
If you have Docker installed, run the code:
$ docker pull
Once you have Orca binary installed, you can then create a Plotly package to export the images.
NOTE: You need to have the processx package for R installed on your system.
You can install the processx engine by adding the following entry in your code:

R Export Static Image

Let us now discuss how you can export a figure in R. We will start by creating a simple figure as shown in the code below:

           from = "2018-01-01",
           to = "2019-12-31")

stock <- data.frame(AMZN$AMZN.Adjusted)
stock$AMZN.Adjusted <- stock$AMZN.Adjusted/stock$AMZN.Adjusted[1]
stock <- data.frame(stock,rownames(stock))
colnames(stock) <- append('AMZN','date')
fig %
  add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~AMZN, name = 'AMZN')%>%
  layout(showlegend = T)
options(warn = -1)
fig %
    xaxis = list(zerolinecolor = '#ffff',
                 zerolinewidth = 1,
                 gridcolor = 'ffff'),
    yaxis = list(zerolinecolor = '#ffff',
                 zerolinewidth = 1,
                 gridcolor = 'ffff'),

The code above should create a plot of amazon stocks, as shown in the figure below:

To export the figure above into a static image, we can run the code as:

if (!require("processx")) install.packages("processx")
fig % add_surface()
orca(fig, "amazon_stocks.png")

The code above will export the previous plot into a file called amazon_stocks.png. You can change the extension for other supported formats such as .jpg/.jpeg, .eps, .svg, and .pdf


This article covers how to export a Plotly figure into a static image using R.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list