
What’s the Right Way to Decode a String That has Special HTML Entities in it?

While working with HTML, it is possible to encounter special characters or symbols that have been encoded using HTML entities. These entities begin with an ampersand “&” and terminate with a semicolon “;”, such as “&lt;” which indicates the symbol “<”. It is important to exclude special HTML elements/entities from a string to verify that the final string is safe to use and contains no illegal code that the browser could execute.

This post will let you know the right way for decoding strings with special HTML entities.

What’s the Right Way to Decode a String That has Special HTML Entities in it?

To decode a string that contains special HTML entities in it, use the following methods:

Method 1: Decode a String That has Special HTML Entities in it Using “textarea” Element

Use the HTML “<textarea>” element for decoding a string that contains special HTML entities. It takes a string with special HTML entities using the “innerHTML” property. The browser automatically decodes the entities in the textarea and gives the simple plain text. For retrieving the decoded string, use the “value” property.


Create a variable “encodedString” that stores a string containing special HTML entities in it:

const encodedString = '&lt;div&gt;Welcome to Linuxhint!&lt;/div&gt;';

Print the encoded string on the console:

console.log("Encoded String: " + encodedString);

Create an HTML element “textarea” using the “createElement()” method:

const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');

Pass the encoded string to the textarea using the “innerHTML” property:

textarea.innerHTML = encodedString;

Now, get the decoded string using the “value” attribute of the textarea and store it in a variable “decodedString”:

const decodedString = textarea.value;

Finally, display the decoded string on the console using the “console.log()” method:

console.log("Decoded String: " + decodedString);

The output indicates that the string containing special HTML entities has been successfully decoded:

The above approach is simple and clear, and it is suitable for simple scenarios. If you try to handle complex HTML structures, it will fail. So, for that, use the “parseFromString()” Method.

Method 2: Decode a String That has Special HTML Entities in it Using “parseFromString()” Method

Another way to decode a string with special HTML entities is the “parseFromString()” method. It is a pre-built method of the “DOMParser” object. It helps to parse an XML or HTML string and then create a new DOM document object from it.


First, create a new object of the “DOMParser” using the “new” keyword:

const parser = new DOMParser();

Call the “parseFromString()” method and pass the parameters “encoded string” as a complex HTML structure, and the “text/html”. It tells the method to treat the encoded string as HTML. Use the “textContent” property of the body element to get the decoded string:

const decodedString = parser.parseFromString(`<!doctype html><body>${encodedString}`, 'text/html').body.textContent;

Print the decoded string on the console:

console.log("Decoded String: " + decodedString);


We have provided all the essential instructions relevant to decoding a string with special HTML entities.


For decoding a string that contains special HTML entities in it, utilize the HTML element “textarea” or the

parseFromString()” method of the “DOMParser” object. The <textarea> approach is suitable for simple scenarios while the parseFromString() method is a more robust and secure approach that can handle complex HTML structures. It is recommended to use the “parseFromString()” method to decode a string containing HTML entities. This post described the right way for decoding strings with special HTML entities.

About the author

Farah Batool

I completed my master's degree in computer science. I am an academic researcher and love to learn and write about new technologies. I am passionate about writing and sharing my experience with the world.