
How to Track Mouse Position in JavaScript

Tracking a mouse position is an interesting task that tracks the coordinates of the pointer. It extracts the x and y coordinates of the whole webpage or specified area defined by the user. JavaScript provides “clientX” and “clientY” properties to track the mouse pointer in the current window. These properties find out where the user’s mouse lies in the x and y coordinates of the browser window. In this post, we will demonstrate the way for tracking a mouse position.

How to Track Mouse Position in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, two properties, “clientX” and “clientY”, are utilized for tracking a mouse position in the visible area of the browser. Both properties are executed in a specified area provided by the user.

The syntax of the “clientX” and “clientY” properties is provided below:

Syntax of clientX


The “clientX” returns the horizontal axis of the mouse pointer.

Syntax of clientY


Similarly, the “clientY” property returns the vertical axis with the movement of the mouse pointer.


The example explains the usage of tracking mouse position in JavaScript.


<h2>Example to Track Mouse Position in JavaScript</h2>

<style>#div1 { height: 200px; width:100%;

border: 1px solid #444;


<div id="div1" onmousemove="getCursorPosition(event)">


<div>X Mouse position: <span id="c_p_x"></span>.


<div>Y Mouse position: <span id="c_p_y"></span>.


<script src="test.js"></script>

The explanation of the code is as follows:

  • Firstly, the div tag is created and a “div1” id is assigned to it.
  • Different properties, including height, width, border, and position, are applied within <style> tag.
  • After that, the getCursorPosition() method is utilized by passing an “event”.
  • After that, the “X Mouse position” and “Y Mouse position” are extracted with the cursor movement.
  • In the end, the source path of the JavaScript file is assigned “test.js” within <script> tag.

The code for the “test.js” file is provided below:

JavaScript Code

function getCursorPosition(event) {

document.getElementById("c_p_x").textContent = event.clientX;

document.getElementById("c_p_y").textContent = event.clientY;


In this code:

  • Firstly, the getCursorPosition() method is called and an argument is passed named “event”.
  • After that, the document.getElementById is utilized to extract the HTML elements whose ids are “c_p_x” and “c_p_y”.
  • The event.clientX returns the horizontal coordinate based on the client area and the “event.clientY” is employed by returning the vertical coordinate in the browser.


The output shows that “X Mouse position” and “Y Mouse position” are tracked by changing the mouse position in the browser.


In JavaScript, the “clientX” and “clientY” properties track the mouse position. These properties can be combined with a user-defined function to get the coordinates of the mouse position. This post has demonstrated the method to track mouse position in JavaScript using the “clientX” and “clientY” properties. The example practiced here shows that the x-coordinate and y-coordinate are dynamically updated whenever a mouse moves.

About the author

Syed Minhal Abbas

I hold a master's degree in computer science and work as an academic researcher. I am eager to read about new technologies and share them with the rest of the world.