
JavaScript textContent | Explained

In JavaScript, there are various properties that can be used to access and modify the content of html tags i.e. textContent, innerText, and innerHTML. The textContent property returns all the text contained by an element/node and all of its descendants including spaces and CSS hidden text, except the tags. The innerText property returns all text content of a node/element and its child elements but without spacing and html tags, except the style and script tags. While the innerHTML returns all the text contained by an element including spaces and html tags.

This post will explain the below-listed aspects regarding the textContent property:

  • What is textContent in JavaScript
  • Basic Syntax
  • What does textContent property Return
  • How to Use textContent in JavaScript

So, let’s start!

What is textContent in JavaScript

It is a property that allows us to get or set the text content of a node, or an element. Setting the textContent property will remove and replace the child nodes with the new text node.

Basic Syntax

The below-given snippet will show how to get/return the text content of a node or element:

element.textContent | node.textContent

Let’s consider the below snippet to understand how to set the text content of a node or element:

element.textContent = text | node.textContent = text

What does textContent property Return

In JavaScript, the textContent property returns the content of an element/node and all of its descendents(child nodes). It returns null if the element/node is a document/notation type.

How to Use textContent property in JavaScript

Up till now, we are done with the theoretical part of the textContent property. Now, let’s move one step ahead to implement all these theoretical concepts practically.

Example1: Let’s consider the below-given code to understand how to get/return the text content of an element using the textContent property in JavaScript:

    <h2> id="greetings">Welcome to</h2>
<script type="text/javascript">
    let content = document.getElementById('greetings');

In the above code snippet, firstly, we utilized the getElementById() to select the h2 element with the id ‘greetings’. Afterward, we accessed the textContent property to display the text of the node.

This is how the textContent property modifies the text of an element in JavaScript.

Example2: How to set the textual content of an element using textContent property:

<h3>textContent Property</h3>
<p id="change" onclick="clickMe()">CLICK ME</p>
function clickMe() {
  document.getElementById("change").textContent = "Welcome to";

The above code block will produce the following output:

This is how the textContent property sets the text in JavaScript.


In JavaScript, the textContent property allows us to get or set the text content of a node, or an element. Setting the textContent property will remove and replace the child nodes with the new text node. The textContent property returns the content of an element/node and all of its descendents(child nodes). It returns null if the element/node is a document/notation/document type. This write-up explained what textContent is, what it returns, and how to use it in JavaScript.

About the author

Anees Asghar

I am a self-motivated IT professional having more than one year of industry experience in technical writing. I am passionate about writing on the topics related to web development.