
How to Remove Item From Array by Value in JavaScript

An array is a combination of elements that are stored in a single variable. JavaScript provides various methods to add, remove, and modify items from an array. Each item has a unique index to identify its location in the array. In this guide, you will remove items from the array by passing them values using JavaScript’s filter() and splice() methods. By considering these built-in methods, the content of this guide is as follows.

Method 1: Remove Item From Array by Value Using splice() Method in JavaScript

In JavaScript, a built-in method array.splice() is employed to remove the item from the array. The method returns the new array by removing the item value, which is passed through the index. The purpose of using this method is to overwrite the array by adding or removing the items from the array. Let’s discuss the syntax.


array.splice(ind, num, items)

The parameters are described as follows:

  • ind: specify the index number to remove the item.
  • num: represents the number to be removed.
  • items: refer to the addition of items in the array.


const arr = [{num: 5}, {num: 10}, {num: 15}];

const idxObj = arr.findIndex(object => {
  return object.num === 10;

arr.splice(idxObj, 1);

The code narrates the removal of an item whose num value is 10. In this code, the arr.splice() method is utilized to remove an item by passing the idxObj index from the arr array. Finally, the new array is displayed using the console.log() method.


The output returns the new array, whose length is 2. In this new array, the item whose value is equal to 10 is removed through the arr.splice() method in JavaScript.

Method 2: Remove Item From Array Using filter() Method in JavaScript

The filter() method is employed to filter an array based on the specified criteria. In this method, users can specify the value for the removal of items in the array. The filter() method iterates over the existing elements in the array. Moreover,


array.filter(function(curVal, idx, arr), thisValue)

The description of parameters is as below.

  • function: represents the callback function.
  • curVal: specifies the current element value.
  • idx: refers to the current element index.
  • arr: represents the array.

An example is used to remove an item from the array by passing the value in JavaScript.


const arr = [
    { name: 'Harry', show: 'Cricket' },
    { name: 'John', show: 'Football' },
    { name: 'Marry', show: 'Hockey' },
    { name: 'Bob', show: 'Running' },
rem = arr.filter(arr => != 'Harry');

The code is explained below:

  • Firstly, an array arr is created by storing different items such as names and show.
  • After that, the filter() method is utilized by passing the condition!=’Harry’.
  • Finally, the console.log() method is employed to display the new array.


The output of the code returns the new array by removing a specific item whose value is equal to “Harry”.


Two built-in methods array.splice() and array.filter() methods are utilized to remove items from an array in JavaScript. In the array.splice() method, the index value of an item is passed for the removal of a specified item in the array. The array.filter() method is employed to filter the existing array by applying conditions. Both these methods are useful for dealing with many items to save time and effort for developers as well as users. In this article, you have learned how to remove items from an array by passing values in JavaScript.

About the author

Syed Minhal Abbas

I hold a master's degree in computer science and work as an academic researcher. I am eager to read about new technologies and share them with the rest of the world.