
Remove Everything After Specific Character in JavaScript

In JavaScript coding, programmers often need to remove everything after a certain word, character, or number. To do so, JavaScript offers some pre-built methods, including the “split()” method, the “substring()” and the “slice()” method with the “indexOf()” method or the “replace()” method with regex.

This blog will describe the methods to remove everything after a specified character in JavaScript.

How to Remove Everything After a Specific Character in JavaScript?

For removing everything from a string after a specific character, use the following predefined JavaScript methods:

Let’s discuss these methods individually.

Method 1: Remove Everything After Specific Character Using split() Method

To remove the remaining part of the string after the specific character, the “split()” method is used. The split() method accepts a pattern or a character as an argument that splits a String into a list of substrings in ordered form by searching for that pattern or character. This method gives an array of split substrings.


Follow the given syntax for the split() method


Here, “separator” is any character or a pattern for splitting the string.


Create a variable “string” to store a string:

var string = 'Welcome! to Linuxhint';

Call the “split()” method by passing the character (“!”) for splitting the string. It will return the array of substrings that contains “welcome” and “to Linuxhint”. Since we only need the string’s part before the (“!”), and remove the other part, so we accessed the array at index 0:

var str = string.split('!')[0];

Print the output on the console using the “<strong>console.log()</strong>” method:
[cce_bash width="100%" height="100%" escaped="true" theme="blackboard" nowrap="0"]

The output indicates that the string is successfully removed the remaining part of the string after the specific character (“!”):

Method 2: Remove Everything After Specific Character Using substring() Method With indexOf() Method

Use the “substring()” method with the “indexOf()” method for removing the part of the string after the specified character. The substring() method takes two parameters, the “startIndex” and the “endIndex”, and gives a subset of the string as output between the start and the last indexes. The indexOf() method points to the exact position of the specified character.


The following syntax is used for the substring() method:

substring(startIndex, endIndex)

In the above syntax:

  • The “startIndex” indicates the substring’s starting index.
  • endIndex” is the end index of the substring.


Invoke the substring() method, passing the start and the end indexes as arguments. Here, for removing the remaining string after the specific character, we will utilize the “indexOf()” method for getting the index of the particular character (“!”) as an end index for the substring:

var str = string.substring(0, string.indexOf('!'));

The output displays the string’s part before the specified character (“!”):

Method 3: Remove Everything After Specific Character Using slice() Method With indexOf() Method

To remove everything after the particular character, use the “slice()” method with the “indexOf()” method. It is similar to the “substring()” method with the indexOf() method. It slices the string as a substring based on the start and the end indexes.


Use the following syntax for the slice() method:

slice(startIndex, endIndex)

In the above syntax:

  • The “startIndex” is the starting index of the substring.
  • endIndex” is the substring’s end index.


Call the slice() method by passing the “0” as a start index, and for the last index, call the “indexOf()” method by passing (“!”) as an argument:

var str = string.slice(0, string.indexOf('!'));


Method 4: Remove Everything After Specific Character Using replace() Method

Finally, use the “replace()” method for removing the part of the string after the character. It searches for a specified expression or pattern in the given string and replaces it with a replacement.


Use the below-given syntax for the replace() method:

replace(searchPattern, replaceValue)

In the above syntax:

  • searchPattern” is the value that will be searched in a string.
  • replaceValue” is the value that is utilized as a replacement.


Invoke the “replace()” method by passing the pattern for the character (“!”):

var str = string.replace(/\!.*/, '');

The corresponding out will be as follows:

We have compiled all the essential information related to removing everything after the character in JavaScript.


For removing everything after the specific character in a string, use the “split()” method, the “substring()” and the “slice()” method with the “indexOf()” method, or the “replace()” method with regex. All these methods work best for removing the remaining string after the character from a string. This blog describes the methods to remove everything after a specific character from a string.

About the author

Farah Batool

I completed my master's degree in computer science. I am an academic researcher and love to learn and write about new technologies. I am passionate about writing and sharing my experience with the world.