
How to loop through HTML elements without using forEach() loop in JavaScript?

Whenever we think about looping through HTML elements, our minds divert towards the forEach() loop. But what if we have to loop through the HTML elements without using for-each loop in JavaScript? Do we have any other approach for looping through HTML elements in JavaScript?

Well! Looping through HTML elements is a very common task so, JavaScript offers multiple approaches that can be used for this purpose(i.e. Loop through elements).

This write-up will explain how to loop through HTML elements without using forEach() loop in JavaScript and in this regard it will cover the below-listed approaches:

So, let’s get started!

Looping through HTML elements using JavaScript for-loop

In JavaScript, one of the most frequently used approaches to loop through HTML elements is for-loop.

Example: Loop through <label> element

In this program, we will loop through HTML label elements using JavaScript for-loop:


<label>First Name:

<input type="text" id="txtName">



<label>Last Name:

<input type="text" id="txtName">



<button type="submit">Ok</button>

Here is the summary of the HTML file:

  • Created two “label” tags i.e. First Name and Last Name.
  • Utilized the <br> tags to add line breaks.
  • Created two input fields and a button.


var traverse_Element = document.getElementsByTagName("label");

for (var i = 0; i < traverse_Element.length; i++) {

console.log("Current Element", traverse_Element[i]);


The JavaScript file executed the following tasks:

  • Utilized the “getElementsByTagName” method to get the collection of the specified element (i.e. label element in our case).
  • Utilized the for-loop to iterate the HTML elements.
  • Utilized the length property to get the number of HTML elements to be iterated/traversed.
  • Printed the current element using the console.log() method.


The output clarified that the for-loop traversed through all <label> elements.

Looping through HTML elements using JavaScript for-of loop/statements

The for-of loop is a new addition in JavaScript introduced in the latest versions of the ES6. It allows us to iterate over the iterable objects such as arrays, strings, sets, and so on.

Example: Loop through <button> element

In this program, we will loop through HTML button elements using JavaScript for-of loop:


HTML files will remain the same as in the previous example.


var traverse_Element = document.getElementsByTagName("button");

for (element of traverse_Element) {



This time we utilized the for-of statements to loop through the all <button> elements:

This is how the for-of loop is used to traverse HTML elements.

Looping through HTML elements using JavaScript while loop

We can use the JavaScript while loop to iterate through the HTML elements. The below-given example will guide you on how to use the “while” loop to iterate through the HTML elements:

Example: Loop through all the elements

In this program, we will loop through all the HTML elements using JavaScript while loop:

var traverse_Element = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

var counter = 0;

while (counter < traverse_Element.length) {




In this example program, we passed the “*” to the “getElementByTagName()” method to iterate through all the HTML elements. Next, we utilized the length property within the while loop to get the number of HTML elements to be iterated/traversed.

This is how we can loop through HTML elements without using the forEach() method in JavaScript.


JavaScript offers multiple approaches other than forEach loop that can be used to loop through HTML elements such as for loop, for-of loop, and while loop. While looping through HTML elements, the “getElementsByTagName” method can be used to get the collection of the specified element. This post explained the working of several approaches to loop through HTML elements in JavaScript.

About the author

Anees Asghar

I am a self-motivated IT professional having more than one year of industry experience in technical writing. I am passionate about writing on the topics related to web development.