
JavaScript Static Class Methods

Static class methods in JavaScript are commonly used for defining the utility functions. Static class methods were embedded in the “ES6” as a JavaScript class-specific method for object-oriented programming (OOP). You can utilize the “static” keyword with the name of the method to create a static class method. Also, static class methods are invoked using the class object, not the class instance.

This write-up will discuss the JavaScript static class methods. Moreover, we will also demonstrate examples of static methods definition and their usage in a JavaScript class. So, let’s start!

Syntax of JavaScript Static Class Methods

To define a static method in your JavaScript class, you must use the “static” keyword with the method name. Check out the below-given syntax for creating a JavaScript static class method:

static methodName(){}

Here methodName can be anything you would like to name as a method.

JavaScript Static Class Methods

In JavaScript, static methods are bound to a class but not to the instances of the JavaScript class. That’s why static class methods are used to define utility or helper methods.

Example 1: Using JavaScript Static Class methods

Use the keyword “static” to define a static method for your JavaScript class. In the below-given example, firstly, we will create an “Employee” having a constructor and a method “getName()”:

class Employee {

constructor(name) { = name;


getName() {




Within our Employee class, we will define a “showGender()” static method by utilizing the “static” keyword. Our showGender() static class method will return an Employee Object with its “name” property value:

static showGender(gender) {

let name = gender == "female" ? "Stepheny" : "Stepheny";

return new Employee(name);


We will create an “employee” instance that will store the value returned by the showGender() static method. Note that we have invoked the showGender() static method with the “Employee” class object:

let employee = Employee.showGender("female");


Here is the output we get from executing the above-given example:

We have already mentioned, you have to invoke the static method with the class object, not with the class instance. For instance, we have created an “employee1” instance of the Employee class. Now, when we invoke our showGender() static method with the “employee1” instance, it will give us an error:

let employee1 = new Employee('Jack Smith');

let info = employee1.showGender("male");

As you can see, we cannot access the static method showGender() with the “employee1” instance, which is why we are getting the following error:

Example 2: Using JavaScript Static Class methods

In this example, firstly, we will create a class named “Bike” and its parameterized constructor, which accepts the bike “name” as its parameter:

class Bike {

constructor(name) { = name;




In the next step, we will create a static method “bikeInfo()” which will return a string “This is my bike” whenever we will invoke it:

static bikeInfo() {

return "This is my bike";


Then, we will create a bike class instance named “myBike” and will pass “Yamaha YZF R15 V3” as an argument to the constructor:

let myBike = new Bike("Yamaha YZF R15 V3");

Now, we will call the “bikeInfo()” static method with our class name, which is “Bike”:


By invoking the bikeInfo() method of the JavaScript “Bike” class, the program will show the following output:

Whereas invoking the static bikeInfo() method with the created Bike class instance will display an error:



To utilize the created instance of the Bike class inside the “bikeInfo()” static method, we can pass “myBike” as a parameter to it. Look at the below-given program for the illustration:

class Bike {

constructor(name) { = name;


static bikeInfo(x) {

return "This is my Bike: " +;



After defining the parameterized static method, we will create a “myBike” instance of the Bike class:

let myBike = new Bike("Yamaha YZF R15 V3");

Next, we will invoke the “bikeInfo” static method while passing “myBike” instance as an argument:


The output will display “This is my Bike:” string with the bike “name” of our “myBike” instance:


Using the “static” keyword, you can define the JavaScript static class methods. To invoke the defined static method, you have to create an object of the related class and call the static method with the help of it. JavaScript static methods belong to the class in which they are defined; however, you cannot access them with the class instance. This write-up discussed the JavaScript static class methods. Moreover, we also demonstrated some examples related to static methods definition and their usage in a JavaScript class.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.