
JavaScript Popup a Div Element in the Center of the Webpage

In the process of creating websites with added functionalities, there are various requirements to make a web page overall attractive to gain the user’s attention. For instance, displaying an important message or notifying the user about a warning or alert. In such scenarios, popping up a div element in the center of the web page using JavaScript is a handy feature.

This blog will explain the methods to pop up a div element at the web page’s center in JavaScript.

How to Popup a Div Element in the Center of the Webpage in JavaScript?

To pop up a div element at the webpage’s center in JavaScript, the following methods can be applied:

  • document.querySelector()” Method
  • document.getElementById()” Method
  • JQuery

The mentioned approaches will be demonstrated one by one!

Method 1: Popup a Div Element at the Webpage’s Center in JavaScript Using the document.querySelector() Method

The “document.querySelector()” method fetches the first element that matches the corresponding CSS selector. This method can be utilized to access the “div” element to access the corresponding functionalities and display them.


document.querySelector(CSS selectors)

Here, CSS selectors refer to “div”, which will be accessed.

The following example explains the stated concept.

Firstly, assign the specified “class” and “id” to the added div element. For the pop-up, assign the class named “popup” to the div element. Then, include a heading specified in the “<h3>” tag and separate buttons for opening and closing the pop-up. Also attach an “onclick” event to both buttons invoking the specified functions:

<div class= "struct" id= "div">
 <div class= "prompt">
<h3>This is a centered pop-up div element</h3>
<button onclick= "closeDiv()">Close PopUp</button>
<button onclick= "openDiv()">Show PopUp</button>

After that, declare a function named “openDiv()” to fetch the “div” element by passing its id in the “document.querySelector()” method and set its display as “block” to start the block at a new line and take up the screen width:

function openDiv(){
 let get = document.querySelector('#div') = 'block'

Similarly, define the “closeDiv()” function and repeat the above steps for closing the popup by specifying “none” as the display property value:

function closeDiv(){
 let get = document.querySelector('#div') = 'none'

Last, style the added divs according to your requirements:

   height: 100%;
 .struct {
   position: absolute;
    display: none;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    background: darkred;
  .prompt {
    position: absolute;
    width: 50%;
    height: 50%;
    top: 25%;
    left: 25%;
    text-align: center;
    background: white;

It can be seen that when the “Show PopUp” button is clicked, a new div element is popped up in the center of the web page:

Method 2: Popup a Div Element at the Webpage’s Center in JavaScript Using document.getElementById() Method

The “document.getElementById()” method gets an element with the specified id. This method can be implemented to access the specified id for opening and closing the created popup.



In the given syntax, “elementID” indicates the id of the particular element that needs to be fetched.

Firstly, add two divs as we did previously. Then, include an image and specify its path along with its dimensions to be contained within the popup. After that, include the following buttons along with an “onclick” event as discussed in the previous method:

<div class= "struct" id= "div">
 <div class= "prompt">
<img src= "template.JPG" height= "300" width= "400">
<button onclick="closeDiv()">Close PopUp</button>
<button onclick="openDiv()">Show PopUp</button>

Now, in the openDiv() and closeDiv() methods, utilize the document.getElementById() method for accessing the required div and set its display property value accordingly:

function openDiv(){
 let get = document.getElementById('div') = 'block'
function closeDiv(){
 let get = document.getElementById('div') = 'none'

Lastly, style you web page as per your requirements:

   height: 100%;
   .struct {
     position: absolute;
     display: none;
     top: 0;
     right: 0;
     bottom: 0;
     left: 0;
     background: grey;
    .prompt {
      position: absolute;
      width: 50%;
      height: 50%;
      top: 25%;
      left: 25%;
      text-align: center;
      background: white;


Method 3: Popup a Div Element at the Webpage’s Center in JavaScript Using jQuery

In this particular method, we will implement the required task by applying “jQuery” along with its methods for showing and hiding the created popup.

The following example illustrates the stated concept.

First, include the “jQuery” library in the script tag:

<script src= ""></script>

Likewise, assign the following class and id to the “div” element for the overall document and popup respectively. Then, include the following paragraph within the popup. Also, repeat the discussed methods for including the buttons invoking the specified functions upon triggering the “onclick” event:

<div class= "struct" id= "struct">
 <div class= "prompt">
<p>The web pages or sites you visit often let the user wait to display an important message or a warning before accessing the particular page. For instance, asking a user to buy the membership or login before accessing the site's content. In addition to that, appropriate management of traffic in the case of educational websites</p>
<button>Show PopUp</button>

Now, create a function named “openDiv()” that will access the div having “overlay” id and apply the “show()” method in order to display the created popup:

function openDiv(){                      

For closing the popup, define the function named “closeDiv()” and in its function definition, invoke the “hide()” method on the accessed id to close the popup:

function closeDiv() {

Lastly, style your web page element accordingly:

   height: 100%;
   .struct {
    position: absolute;
    display: none;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    background: powderblue;
   .prompt {
    position: absolute;
    width: 50%;
    height: 50%;
    top: 25%;
    left: 25%;
    text-align: center;
    background: white;


We have discussed various creative methods to pop up a div element in the center of the webpage in JavaScript.


To popup a div element in the center of the webpage in JavaScript, apply the “document.querySelector()” method or the “document.getElementById()” method to fetch the created div using its id to pop it up. Moreover, you can also utilize the “jQuery” library to include a div element in the form of a popup by applying its built-in methods. This blog demonstrated the methods that can be applied to pop up a div element at the webpage’s center in JavaScript.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.