
JavaScript Destroy Object

Destroying an object in JavaScript is of great aid while dealing with the data in bulk. For instance, this approach is also very helpful in releasing memory and the resources possessed by a particular object which are no longer needed. Moreover, for omitting or accessing a particular value by referring to its property for updating or utilizing it respectively

This write-up will discuss the approaches that can be implemented to destroy an object in JavaScript.

How to Destroy Objects in JavaScript?

An object can be destroyed in JavaScript by using the following techniques:

Approach 1: Destroy Object in JavaScript Using the delete Operator

In this approach, a particular object property will be removed with the help of the delete operator and will return “undefined” upon accessing it.

This operator can be applied by specifying it just before an object’s property.


Firstly, declare an array of objects having the specified properties and display it:

let testObject= {

  name: "David",

  age: 22



Next, apply the “delete” operator by referring to the specified object’s property. This will result in deleting the corresponding object’s property:




In the above output, it can be observed that the object’s property “age” is omitted.

Approach 2: Manually Destroying the Object in JavaScript

This technique can be utilized to define a custom function and pass the created object in its argument while accessing it.


Firstly, declare the function named “destroyObject()” having the specified parameter. In its definition, initialize the stated parameter as “undefined”:

function destroyObject(obj){

  obj = undefined;


Now, create the following object with the specified properties and display it:

testObject = {





Finally, access the defined function by passing the created object as its argument. This will result in displaying “undefined” on the console as the defined parameter in the function definition is assigned so. Hence, the specified object when act as its(function) parameter will also act the same(undefined):



We have provided the approaches to destroy an object in JavaScript.


An object can be destroyed in JavaScript by using the “delete” operator or manually destroying it. The first approach is simple as it results in omitting a specific property from an object. The latter approach, on the other hand, destroys the object along with all its associated properties with the help of a custom function. This write-up demonstrated the concept of destroying objects in JavaScript.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.