As a Manjaro user, you can also use ClamAV for Web and Email scanning, Web threat management, Internet usage monitoring, Intrusion detection system, and handling the security of email attachments. The anti-virus engine, which is offered as a shared library is the backbone of this ClamAV application. Want to try out ClamAV? This write-up will guide you on how to install and use ClamAV on Manjaro Linux. So, let’s start!
How to install ClamAV on Manjaro Linux
Before moving towards the installation of ClamAV, make sure that your system packages are up-to-date. So, press “CTRL+ALT+T” to open your Manjaro terminal and then execute the following command:
After updating your system packages, execute the below-given command for installing ClamAV on your Manjaro system:
The above-given error-free output declares that ClamAV has successfully been installed on our Manjaro system.
How to configure ClamAV on Manjaro Linux
To configure ClamAV, the first step to perform is to update the virus definitions. To do so, utilize the below-given command in your Manjaro terminal:
The execution of the provided command will update the virus definitions on our system:
In the next step, we will enable the “clamav.freshclam” service for getting the latest virus definitions at system startup:
The “clamav-unofficial-sigs” offers a simple way to update, test, and download third-party signature databases supported by OITC, Yara-Rules Project, Porcupine, FOXHOLE, MalwarePatrol, CRDF. You can also add the additional signatures from the Manjaro AUR package of “clamav-unofficial-sigs” and it is recommended to perform the specified operation with the help of “yaourt” (pacman wrapper):
After adding the “clamav-unofficial-sigs”, type out the provided commands for installing and enabling them:
Check the status of the “clamav-freshclam” service, whether it is active or not:
Lastly, confirm the existence of Clam AntiVirus by utilizing the following command:
How to install ClamTK on Manjaro
This section will demonstrate to you the procedure of installing ClamTK on Manjaro. ClamTK is a Graphical User Interface tool that operates on Linux-based systems and BSD desktop environments and permits you to use the ClamAV. ClamTK is simple to scan, delete and quarantine infected emails, files, and other items on your system without the need to memorize terminal instructions or consult the documentation of ClamTK.
On your Manjaro terminal, utilize the below-given command for installing ClamTK:
Wait for a few minutes as the installation of ClamTK will take some time to complete:
The error-free output is declaring that now you have ClamTK installed on your Manjaro system.
How to use ClamTK on Manjaro Linux
After completing the installation process, ClamTK should now install on your system. For instance, we have searched for “ClamTK” in the system applications:
When you open the ClamTK virus scanner, it will show you various Configuration, Updates, History, and Analysis options. Virus scanning, which is the main function of ClamTK, can be performed with the help of the highlighted section:
For instance, we have selected the “Scan a directory” option to check the possible threats in a specific directory:
In our case, we will scan all of the files that are present inside of the “Desktop” directory:
After specifying the directory, the ClamTK virus scanner will start the scanning process:
You can also configure ClamTK according to your preferences. For this purpose, click on the “Settings” button, which is located under the “Configuration” category:
Here, you can customize your virus scanning procedure of ClamTK. For instance, we have enabled the “Use heuristic scanning” and set it to scan the files that begin with the “.*”:
Going back to the main view you will find another notable option which is “Scheduler“.
By utilizing the scheduler, you can set a time for scanning and updating signatures. It also permits you to check out the status of the daily scheduled scan and the related updates:
Clam AntiVirus or Clam AV is an antivirus toolkit that is freely available and includes a scalable and flexible multi-threaded daemon, a command-line scanner, and an advanced tool for automatic database updates features. It detects viruses and malware with built-in signatures on various Linux distributions such as Manjaro. In this write-up, we have discussed how to install ClamAV on a Manjaro system. Moreover, the procedure of installing and using ClamTK (ClamAV GUI tool) is also provided to you.