
How to Implement an onload Event in iframe in JavaScript

The onload event is used to run scripts and call JavaScript functions after the contents of a webpage have been loaded. It can be used to get the information about the user’s browser so that the compatible version of the web page can be loaded. onload events are also sometimes used to deal with cookies. It is most commonly used with the <body> tag but can also be used with other tags as well such as the img, link, script, style, frame and iframe tag. This guide is all about the use of onload event with the iframe tag.

Before moving onto the use of onload event first we should make ourselves familiar with the iframe tag.

The iframe tag can be used to create embedded web pages which are displayed inside a bordered rectangular region on the host webpage. iframe tag can take different attributes such as the src attribute to specify the URL of the webpage and the height and width attributes for the size of the embedded webpage:

<!DOCTYPE html>




<h1>Implementing onload Event in iframe in JavaScript</h1>

<iframe src="" height="500px" width="40%"></iframe>




Now that we have made ourselves familiar with the iframe tag we will take a look at how we can implement an onload event on it.

Implementing an onload Event in iframe in JavaScript

There are several different methods which can be used to implement the onload event. The easiest way is through the onload attribute which can be used directly with the iframe tag.

onload Attribute

<!DOCTYPE html>




<h1>Implementing onload Event in iframe in JavaScript</h1>

<iframe src="" height="500px" width="40%" onload="displayMessage()"></iframe>




function displayMessage() {

alert("Page Loaded Successfully!");




addEventListener() Method

The second method is by adding an event listener to the iframe tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>




<h1>Implementing onload Event in iframe in JavaScript</h1>

<iframe id="linuxHint" src="" height="500px" width="40%" onload="displayMessage()"></iframe>




var page = document.getElementById("linuxHint");

page.addEventListener("load", displayMessage)

function displayMessage() {

alert("Page Loaded Successfully!");




JavaScript onload Event

The third and the last method is by using the onload event directly on the iframe object in JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>




<h1>Implementing onload Event in iframe in JavaScript</h1>

<iframe id="linuxHint" src="" height="500px" width="40%" onload="displayMessage()"></iframe>




var page = document.getElementById("linuxHint");

page.onload = function () {

alert("Page Loaded Successfully!");





This guide has listed three different methods of implementing the onload event in the iframe tag in JavaScript methods. The onload events can be used to run scripts after the contents of the webpage have been loaded.

About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.