
How to Implement Auto Scroll in JavaScript

While testing different web pages on a website, you may need to overview various added functionalities in one go. Moreover, this technique is often utilized to access and highlight the searched queries. In such cases, implementing auto-scroll in JavaScript is very helpful in carrying out the mentioned operations smartly.

This blog will explain the methods to implement auto scroll in JavaScript.

How to Implement Auto Scroll in JavaScript?

To implement auto scroll in JavaScript, the following methods can be applied:

The following approaches will demonstrate the stated concept one by one!

Method 1: Implement Auto Scroll in JavaScript Using window.scrollTo() Method

The “scrollTo()” method scrolls the Document Object Model(DOM) according to the specified coordinate values. This method can be implemented to auto scroll any HTML element according to the given coordinate values.


window.scrollTo(x, y)

In the given syntax, x and y refer to the “X” and “Y” coordinates, respectively.

Let’s check out the below-given example to understand the stated concept.


In this example, we will create a button with an “onclick” event invoking the function autoScroll():

<button onclick= "autoScroll()">Click Me</button>

Now, include a heading in the “<h2>” tag:

<h2>The following images will be auto scrolled</h2>

After that, we will add two images with their paths and set their dimensions using the height and width properties:

<img src= "image.JPG" height= "855" width= "355">

<img src= "sample.JPG" height= "855" width= "355">

Lastly, define a function named “autoScroll()”. In its function definition, apply the “window.scrollTo()” method and set the coordinates according to your requirements. In our case, we have set “0” as the X coordinates and “200” as the Y coordinates:

function autoScroll(){

window.scrollTo(0, 200);


The corresponding output will be:

In the above output, it can be observed that the scroll bar is scrolled to a certain location according to the set values in the scrollTo() method.

Method 2: Implement Auto Scroll in JavaScript Using window.scrollBy() Method

The “scrollBy()” method scrolls the document according to the given number of pixels in the argument. More specifically, we will utilize this method to auto scroll the DOM to the bottom upon the button click.


window.scrollBy(x, y)

In the above syntax, “x” and “y” refers to the horizontal and vertical pixel values utilized for scrolling.


Firstly, create a button with an “onclick” event redirecting to the function “autoScroll()”:

<button onclick= "autoScroll()">Click Me</button>

Next, include the following heading as discussed in the previous method:

<h2>The following images will be auto scrolled</h2>

Similarly, use the “src” attribute to add the images path and set their dimensions:

<img src= "image.JPG" height= "655" width= "425">

<img src= "sample.JPG" height= "655" width= "425">

<img src= "template.JPG" height= "655" width= "425">

Now, we will include two paragraphs in the “<p>” tag:

<p>The specified images represent the different case-scenarios</p>

<p>Template literals use the backtick (`) characters and are mainly used for string interpolation. This technique can be utilized to display the specified string value against the corresponding template literal utilized for it. It will be placed in the original function definition along with the value of the callback function.


Finally, define the function named “autoScroll()”. Here, apply the “window.scrollBy()” method and set the number of pixels such that it auto scrolls to the required location of the DOM:

function autoScroll(){

window.scrollBy(0, 500);


In our case, auto scroll will scroll down towards the bottom of the page:

In the above output, it can be seen that the DOM is auto scrolled till the bottom upon the button click.

Method 3: Implement Auto Scroll in JavaScript Using jQuery

This technique can be implemented to auto scroll the specified image by including the “jQuery” library and its methods, such as scrollTop() and height(). More specifically, we will use the scrollTop() method to set the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements.



Here, the “selector” indicates the “document” in the below discussed example.

The following example illustrates the stated concept.


First, specify the source of the “jQuery” library in the script tag:

<script src= "">

Next, apply the “$( document ).ready()” method which will function once the page Document Object Model (DOM) is ready for the JavaScript code to execute and the “scrollTop()” method will return the vertical scrollbar position in the DOM.




Lastly, we will add two headings in the “<h1>” tag and an image using the “src” attribute:

<h1>This is LinuxHint Website</h1>

<h1>This image will be auto scrolled</h1>

<img src= "sample.JPG" height= "855" width= "355">


We have discussed various methods to implement the auto scroll using JavaScript.


To implement auto scroll in JavaScript, utilize the “window.scrollTop()” method to scroll the DOM according to the given coordinates values, the “window.scrollBy()” method to scroll the document with respect to the given number of pixels in the argument, or the jQuery “scrollTop()” method for setting the vertical scrollbar position of the selected element. This manual discussed the methods for implementing auto scroll in JavaScript.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.