
Go to URL With onclick in JavaScript

In JavaScript programming, there comes a situation where you want to access other websites by a provided link, or it is required to link your content or video with reference to another website. This approach can be utilized for a better understanding of the stated concept. Moreover, linking different web pages within a website saves the user’s time and enhances readability.

This blog will guide you about going to URL onclick in JavaScript.

Go to URL using “onclick” Event in JavaScript

To go to URL using onclick event in JavaScript, you can use:

  • The “” method.
  • The “window.location” object method.

We will now go through each of the mentioned methods one by one!

Method 1: Go to URL With onclick in JavaScript Using Method

In JavaScript, the “” method is used for opening a new browser window. You can also utilize this method to go to a specified URL using the button “onclick” event.

Syntax, windowName, specs);

Here, “url” refers to the website link, “windowName” is the name of the window, and “specs” refers to the comma-separated list of items.

Look at the below-given example.

In the example below, we will add a button and specify its “onclick” event in such a way that when the button is clicked, the onclick event will access the function “openGoogleByMethod()”:

<button type= "button" id= "btn" onclick= "openGoogleByMethod()">Open Google</button>

Now, we will define a function “openGoogleByMethod()” and use the “” method and pass the “URL” of the “Google” site in it as an argument. This will result in opening the specified site in a new tab:

    function openGoogleByMethod(){"")

The output of the above implementation will result in:

Method 2: Go to URL With onclick in JavaScript Using window.location() Method

The “window.location()” method can be used to fetch the current page (“URL”) and then redirect the browser to a new page address. You can also utilize this method to access the specified URL using the “location” object.

Let’s go through the following example for better understanding:

In our JavaScript, we will apply the “window.location()” method, where the “location” object will contain the information on the current location, which is “Google” in this case. The “window.location.href” property will then return the URL of the page specified in the window.location:

    function openGoogleByMethod(){
         window.location.href = "";

Execution of the above-given code will result in the following output:

We have provided all the simplest methods to go to the URL by applying onclick in JavaScript.


In JavaScript, to go to URL with onclick, you can use the “” method to open the window with the specified “URL” or apply the “window.location” object method to specify the location of the specified URL and the “window.location.href” property to return the URL of the specified page.

This article has explained the methods to go to the URL using onclick in JavaScript.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.