
How to Convert JSON Object to JavaScript Array

JSON is the standard format for the representation of data based on key-value pairs. The JavaScript array is an easier way to read and understand any information as compared to JSON objects due to its organized manner. For this purpose, JavaScript provides an “entries()” method from the “Object” class to convert the JSON object to a JavaScript array. Moreover, a “for-in loop” is integrated with an empty string to perform the conversion of a JSON object to an array. This article demonstrates the converting JSON object to a JavaScript array. The content is as follows:

Method 1: Using entries() Method to Convert JSON Object to JavaScript Array

JavaScript provides the entries() method for converting the JSON object into an array. The method utilizes the Object class to perform the conversion. To use it, the syntax of the entries() method is provided below:



In this syntax, “JSON_obj” specifies a JSON object that is to be converted into a JavaScript array.


console.log("An example to convert the JSON obj to array");

const teacher = {name: "Harry", age: 30, subject: "English"};


The description of the code is as follows:

  • Firstly, a JSON object “teacher” is created which comprises elements like “name”, “age”, and “subject”.
  • The “entries()” method is utilized to perform conversion from JSON objects to JavaScript arrays. In this method, the JSON object “teacher” is passed as an argument to get the JavaScript array.
  • Finally, the console.log() method is adapted to display the array in the browser.


The output returns that the JSON object “teacher” is converted to an array.

Method 2: Using a “for-in” Loop to Convert JSON Object to JavaScript Array

Another method is considered through a for-in loop to convert the JSON object to a JavaScript array. The for-in loop iterates over the JSON object. Each iteration returns a key value that is helpful in converting the object to an array in JavaScript. For instance, the code is given below:


console.log("An example to convert JSON obj to array")

var json_obj = {"John":10,"Harry":17};

var array = [];

for(var i in json_obj)

array.push([i, json_obj[i]]);



The description of the code is as follows:

  • Firstly, a JSON object “json_obj” is initialized with two elements “John” and “Harry”.
  • Furthermore, an empty “array” is initialized that stores the elements of the JSON object.
  • After that, a “for in loop” is employed that executes the number of elements in the “json_obj”.
  • In this loop, the array.push() method is utilized to insert the elements from “json_obj” into the array.


The output shows that the JSON object “json_obj” is converted to a JavaScript “array” by utilizing the “for-in loop”.


JavaScript provides “entries()” and “for-in loop” to convert the JSON object to a JavaScript array. The entries() method is employed to perform the conversion from a JSON object to an array using the object class. Moreover, a for-in loop works on an empty array to store the elements of the JSON object in the array. In this post, both methods are explained with the help of examples to convert JSON objects into an array.

About the author

Syed Minhal Abbas

I hold a master's degree in computer science and work as an academic researcher. I am eager to read about new technologies and share them with the rest of the world.