
Check a Radio Button With JavaScript

In some cases, programmers need to check/mark the radio button. For example, selecting the appropriate radio button automatically based on some user action or a specific scenario. For this, use the JavaScript “checked” property of the radio button to set “true”. Checking a radio button with JavaScript can make using the website easier and more efficient.

This blog will demonstrate the way to check/mark an HTML radio button element using JavaScript.

How to Check a Radio Button With JavaScript?

To check a radio button with JavaScript, use the “checked” property/attribute of an HTML radio button. It is a boolean value attribute utilized to return the checked state of a radio button.

To set the values use the following syntax where we set the value of the attribute to “true” or “false”.

radioObject.checked = true|false

Example 1: Check a Radio Button by Clicking on the Button
Create a radio button:

<input type="radio" id="agree" value="agree">Agree

Create a button that will check the radio button by clicking on it:

<button id="btn" onclick="checktheRadio()">Select Radio Button</button>

Define a function “checktheRadio()” that will trigger on the button click. Get the reference of the radio button and set the “checked” property to “true”:

function checktheRadio(){
 document.getElementById("agree").checked = true;

Here, you can see that the radio button has been successfully checked by clicking the “Select Radio Button”:

You can also use the “checked” property to get the value of the selected radio button.

Example 2: Get the Value of the Selected Radio Button
In an HTML file, create a group of radio buttons that indicates the days of the week:

<input type="radio" name="week" value="Monday">Monday <br>
<input type="radio" name="week" value="Tuesday">Tuesday <br>
<input type="radio" name="week" value="Wednesday">Wednesday <br>
<input type="radio" name="week" value="Thursday">Thursday <br>
<input type="radio" name="week" value="Friday">Friday <br>
<input type="radio" name="week" value="Saturday">Saturday <br>
<input type="radio" name="week" value="Sunday">Sunday <br><br>

Create a button by attaching an “onclick()” event that will call the function “check()”:

<button id="btn" onclick="check()">Check selected Radio Button</button>

Create a <p> tag to get the selected radio button’s value:

<p id="value"></p>

In JavaScript file, first, get the references of the radio buttons, button, and a <p> tag “getElementById()” and “querySelectorAll()” methods:

const checkBtn = document.getElementById('btn');
const radioBtn = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="week"]');
const selectedValue = document.getElementById("value");

Define a function named “check()” that will check the radio button’s “checked” property, get their values and display them on the web page. It gives a boolean value “true” if the radio button is checked and “false” if there is no one is checked:

function check(){
 let day;
 for (const radio of radioBtn) {
  if (radio.checked) {
   day = radio.value;
 if (day){
  selectedValue.innerText = `Selected day is ${day}`;
  selectedValue.innerText = `Please select any radio button`;


That’s all about checking a radio button with JavaScript.


For checking a radio button with JavaScript, use the “checked” property of the HTML radio button. It gives and sets the boolean value “true” and “false”. It is utilized for both setting and getting the value of the radio buttons. This blog demonstrated the procedure to check a radio button with JavaScript.

About the author

Farah Batool

I completed my master's degree in computer science. I am an academic researcher and love to learn and write about new technologies. I am passionate about writing and sharing my experience with the world.