
How to call JavaScript function in HTML using onClick() method?

Programming is all about efficiency. Repetition within a code has always been frowned upon by developers all across the globe. To fulfill this purpose, something called functions exists in programming. So what exactly is a function? Functions can be seen as a piece of code that the developer creates within their program. This function that has been created once can be utilized multiple times by just using the name of that function. In web development, functions are created inside JavaScript but can be used within the HTML code.

In this article, some light will be shed on how a function that exists in JavaScript, can be accessed by the HTML section.

Calling any JS Function within HTML code

When tackling functions in JavaScript, two distinct scenarios will stand out. This section will show you how you can call any JavaScript function in either of those two cases.

JavaScript inside the HTML File

When the JavaScript function exists within the same file as the HTML code, it is fairly simple to access it and call it within HTML. Let us see the sample code below:



<script type = "text/javascript">

function sampleFunction() {

alert("This function is working!");





<h1>Click this button to Call the JavaScript function inside HTML</h1>

<input type = "button" onclick = "sampleFunction()" value = "Press me!">



Within the JavaScript section of this code, a function is formed that has the name “sampleFunction”. The function is supposed to execute an alert when called. Within the main body of the HTML code, a button is created. Buttons have an “onclick” feature that allows them to call functions from the JS code. We will utilize the name “sampleFunction” which will be used to call it in the “onclick” feature. Check out the example below:

The output is as follows:

JavaScript Inside an External File

In most cases, JavaScript functions are not present within the same file as the HTML code. In cases like this, the two files need to be linked together so that the HTML code can call functions from JavaScript. This code down below represents JavaScript file:

function sampleFunction() {

document.write("Function has been called!");


In the JavaScript file, the function has been created. This function can now be called in an HTML file as many times as the developer desires. The code below shows the HTML file:



<script type = "text/javascript" src = "jsFile.js"></script>



<h1>Click this button to Call the JavaScript function inside HTML</h1>

<input type = "button" onclick = "sampleFunction()" value = "Press me!">



Here we have linked the JavaScript file that is named “jsFile.js” with the HTML file using the “src” keyword within the script tags. Doing this will allow the “onclick” function below to access the function from the JS file.


There are two ways to reach a JavaScript function within HTML. The first is to use the “onclick” feature of a button to call the function which is already present inside the HTML file. The second one is linking the external JavaScript file with the HTML file using the “src” keyword. In this article, you have learned the two different scenarios in which you will need to access a function from JavaScript inside HTML.

About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.