Raspberry Pi

Best Monitoring Tools for Raspberry Pi

Monitoring the Raspberry Pi device regularly is beneficial as this will help check and maintain the health and performance of Raspberry Pi while running different applications. Monitoring in terms of RAM Memory, Disk usage, Swap memory, and CPU usage can be analyzed through different software. Additionally, remote monitoring can also be possible on Raspberry Pi.

In this article, we are going to discuss some useful monitoring tools that can be installed on Raspberry Pi system.

Best Monitoring Tools for Raspberry Pi

Below mentioned tools can easily be installed on Raspberry Pi system for performance monitoring.

1: Monit Tool

Monit is a free open-source monitoring tool for Linux operating system that is utilized to view current status of overall system through the command line or web servers. Monit can perform intelligent action to accomplish automatic troubleshooting and maintenance of any upcoming error. Monit installation and configuration is already presented in this article.

2: Checkmk Tool

Checkmk is graphical interface monitoring tool used to monitor networks, servers, applications, sensors, and cloud servers over the same network. This tool utilizes the webserver to monitor the desired ongoing operation on the specific operating system.

Additionally, it offers the incoming and outgoing network traffic, newly installed software, and plug-ins, and filter them out by specific date and time. You can find the installation and configuration of checkmk on Raspberry Pi from this article.

3: InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open-source time series data management platform, which is used to monitor the currently running applications and IoT sensors while analyzing in the real-time. Additionally, it provides a platform where developers can build IOT and cloud applications to store, transform, visualize, and retrieve time series data.

It features provide best user-friendly interface environment with built-in graphical tools to share and build applications. Furthermore, it allows monitoring ongoing activities from other co-workers on the same server.

In order to install InfluxDB on the Raspberry Pi, you must need to visit this article.

4: Telegraf

Telegraf is an integrated open-source data collection agent from InfluxDB. It’s written in Go-Language and it complies into a single binary that doesn’t require any external dependencies and ability to consume very minimum RAM usage. It can be used in large enterprise environments and home sensors for monitoring solution.

Main feature involves in the Telegraf is that, it reads the data directory from the data sources and put the generated output into the InfluxDB tool. If you are wandering to install Telegraf and configure it on the Raspberry Pi device, you must go through the following article.

5: Grafana

Grafana tool is on open-source analytical tool used to monitor activities through a web application. The basic approach used to in Grafana is to show all activities of monitoring in the form of charts, graphs, table, heatmap, and free text. Additionally, it features the built-in plugin tools to monitor multiple tasks within one panel, and the Grafana panel interface can be customized according to users’ needs.

Grafana features includes, monitoring with permission and authentication, ability to customize plugin, notification alerts, annotation to specific graphs for data comparison, and many more. Still finding to install and configure Grafana on Raspberry Pi then right place can be find here.


Monitoring the Raspberry Pi device is necessary on daily basis because it will allow users to figure out its health, performance, and ongoing activities. Monitoring and checking each function and their properties manually on the system is a hectic process. So, better solution is to install monitoring tools inside the system and the list of monitoring tools and their features are enclosed in the above guidelines.

About the author

Muhammad Nasir

Hi! I am an engineer and technical blogger by profession and I enjoy getting things done with electronics. I am using this platform to share my knowledge in the field of Raspberry Pi, Linux, and Embedded Systems with others.