
How to Add Object to Array in JavaScript

As JavaScript arrays automatically resize as you add items to them, you do not have to worry about them being full. Indexing can be used to easily access any item present within an array. JavaScript offers several built-in methods which are ideal for adding items to arrays. In this detailed how-to guide, we will go through the methods which can be used to add objects to arrays in JavaScript.

How to Add Object to Array in JavaScript

The simplest way an object or any other type of element can be added to a JavaScript array is indexing. You can just assign the object to an index of the array and if there is an item already present there then it will be replaced by the new object:

let obj = {"Name": "John Doe", "id": 3};

let arr = [{"Name": "Richard Roe", "id": 1}, {"Name": "John Smith", "id": 2}];

arr[2] = obj;


This method is quite easy but it’s hard to know the indices and size of the arrays so we have to look for some other methods which can be used to add objects to arrays. The most well-known, convenient and easy to use methods are push(), unshift() and splice(). Their functionalities are slightly different but any of these methods can be used. Let’s take a look at how these are different:

array.push() Method

The array.push() method takes elements as parameters and adds them to the end of the array and returns the new size of the array:

let obj = {"Name": "John Doe", "id": 3};

let arr = [{"Name": "Richard Roe", "id": 1}, {"Name": "John Smith", "id": 2}];



array.unshift() Method

The array.unshift() function is the opposite of the push method as it adds elements to the beginning of the array. Similar to the push method it can take one or more elements as parameters and add them to an array:

let obj = {"Name": "Richard Roe", "id": 1};

let arr = [{"Name": "John Smith", "id": 2}, {"Name": "John Doe", "id": 3}];



array.splice() Method

The array.splice() method is a bit different as it can be used to both delete and insert elements from a given index. It takes three arguments, the index, no of elements to delete and the new element which is to be added:

let obj = {"Name": "John Doe", "id": 3};

let arr = [{"Name": "Richard Roe", "id": 1}, {"Name": "John Smith", "id": 2}];

arr.splice(2, 0, obj)


We have given 0 as the 2nd parameter as we don’t want to delete any elements from the existing array.

Additional Useful Methods

JavaScript also offers a lot of other useful methods for manipulating arrays, objects and objects present within arrays. The array.apply() and the array.concat() are two of such functions which might be helpful in our case.

The array.apply() method can be used to combine the contents of arrays. So, if you have two different arrays which contain objects and you want to add the objects of one array to another, you do not have to do it manually one by one. You can just use the apply() method. Moreover, if you need a new array to be formed from the contents of the existing array then you can use the concat() function.


The push, unshift and splice methods can be used to add objects to JavaScript arrays. The push method adds objects to the end, the unshift method adds objects to the start and the splice method adds them at a given index of the array. All of these methods have been extensively explained in the guide above.

About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.