
Set Background Image of a Div via Function in JavaScript

In the process of making attractive and responsive websites stand out, there is a requirement to add images to the Document Object Model(DOM) upon triggering the functionalities. This eventually leads to making the user stay on the site and explore it, which results in increased traffic in favor of the developer. In such case scenarios, setting the background image of a div via JavaScript functions does wonder in providing added functionalities.

This article will explain the approaches to set the background image of a div via a function in JavaScript.

How to Set the Background Image of a Div via Function in JavaScript?

The background image of a div via a function in JavaScript can be set by using the following approaches:

  • style.backgroundImage” property.
  • setAttribute()” method.

Approach 1: Set the Background Image of a Div With the Help of a Function in JavaScript Using the style.backgroundImage Property

The “backgroundImage” property returns the element’s background image. This property can be utilized to fetch the “div” element with the help of a user-defined function and apply a background image to it.

Syntax = "url('URL')|back|initial|inherit"

In the given syntax:

  • url” refers to the image file’s location.
  • back” points to the background image.
  • initial” refers to the property’s default value.
  • inherit” indicates the inheritance of the property from its parent element.

Let’s follow the below-given example:

<center><div id="head" style= "height:250px;width:250px;">
<h2>This is Linuxhint Website</h2>
<button onclick= "divBackground()">Click to See Effect</button>

In the above code snippet, perform the following steps:

  • Include the “div” element with the specified “id” and adjusted dimensions.
  • After that, include the stated heading.
  • Also, create a button with an attached “onclick” event redirecting to the function divBackground().

Let’s move to the JavaScript part of the code:

function divBackground(){
 document.getElementById("head").style.backgroundImage = 'url("template3.PNG")';

In the above code snippet:

  • Declare a function named “divBackground()”.
  • In its definition, access the included “div” element by its “id” using the “document.getElementById()” method.
  • Lastly, apply the “style.backgroundImage” property with the specified image’s location as “url”.
  • This will result in setting the background image to the included heading and button in the “div”.


In the above output, it is evident that the background image is applied to the contained “heading” and “button” within the “div”.

Approach 2: Set Background Image of a Div via Function in JavaScript Using setAttribute() Method

The “setAttribute()” method sets a new value to an attribute. This method can be applied to set the attribute as a “background image” to the contained table in the “div” element.


element.setAttribute(name, value)

In the above syntax:

  • name” refers to the attribute’s name.
  • value” points to the attribute’s value.

Let’s have a look at the following lines of code:

<div id="head">
<table border="2">
<td>Los Angeles</td>
<button onclick= "backgroundImage()">Click to See Effect</button>

In the above code snippet:

  • Include the “div” element with the specified “id”.
  • Also, contain the stated “table” within the “div” with the specified values of “table-header” and “table-data”.
  • In the next step, create a button with an attached “onclick” event invoking the function backgroundImage().

Let’s continue to the JavaScript part of the code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function backgroundImage() {
document.getElementById('head').setAttribute("style", "background-image: url('template3.PNG')")

In the above code snippet, perform the following steps:

  • Declare a function named “backgroundImage()”.
  • In its definition, access the “div” element by its “id” using the “document.getElementById()” method.
  • After that, apply the “setAttribute()” method with the specified image’s path as discussed and the “style” attribute as its parameter.


From the above output, it can be observed that the background image is added to the table upon the button click.


The “style.backgroundImage” property or the “setAttribute()” method can be utilized to set the background image of a div via function in JavaScript. The former approach can be implemented to fetch the “div” element with the help of a user-defined function and apply a background image to it. The latter method can be utilized to set the background image of the included table by setting its (image) attributes. This tutorial explains how to set the background image of a div with the help of a function using JavaScript.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.