
How to Read File Line by Line in JavaScript

Reading a file through a browser is an essential task for any website that interacts with its users. The file can be accessed without storing it on the internet. JavaScript provides a built-in method, FileReader() which can be used to read a file. Moreover, various NPM modules can also be used to read a file in JavaScript. This post demonstrates various methods for reading a file line by line via JavaScript. The content of this post is as follows:

How to Read File Line by Line in JavaScript?

JavaScript is famous for providing a variety of methods, and properties to facilitate the user. The built-in FileReader() method can read the file content of each line. For instance, the “readline” module is also utilized to access the file and read it line by line. Moreover, users can read the file through websites or local machines.

Example 1: Using FileReader() Method for Reading a File Line by Line in JavaScript

Here, HTML and JavaScript code is practiced showing the usage of the FileReader() method for reading a file line by line using the functionalities of JavaScript.


<h1>Example to Read Local text file </h1>

<input type="file" name="readfile" id="readfile" />

<script src="test.js"></script>

In this code, a file selection field is provided by giving the name “readfile” in the <input> tag. After that, a JavaScript file is integrated by providing the source as “test.js”.

JavaScript Code

let file = document.getElementById("readfile");
file.addEventListener("change", function () {
var reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function (progressEvent) {

The description of the code is provided here:

  • Firstly, getElementById is employed to extract the file “id” by passing the value “readfile”.
  • After that, addEventListener is utilized to trigger the file by passing the “change” value.
  • Furthermore, the “FileReader()” method is employed for reading the content of a file.
  • Finally, the content of the file is returned through “this.result”.
  • In the end, “reader.readAsText()” is utilized for reading the file.


The output shows that the “JavaScript.txt” file is selected as a text file from the browser. After selecting the file, line-by-line text “Welcome to JavaScript” and “Welcome to Linuxhint” are read and displayed in the console window.

Example 2: Using “readline” Module for Reading a File Line by Line in JavaScript

Another method is adapted for reading a file by employing the readline module in JavaScript. In this method, a path is required to access the file name. For instance, the code is provided here.


console.log("Example to read line by line text");
const f = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
var user_file = './JavaScript.txt';
var r = readline.createInterface({
    input : f.createReadStream(user_file)
r.on('line', function (text) {

In this code:

  • Firstly, the require(“readline”) is employed to read a data stream from a file.
  • After that, the filename “./JavaScript.txt” is assigned to the “user_file” variable.
  • A readline.createInterface provides an interface for the readline module to read the content of a file.
  • Furthermore, a callback “function” is utilized by passing the value “text”.
  • Finally, the “console.log()” method is employed to present the content in the console window.


The output shows that “Welcome to JavaScript” and “Welcome to Linuxhint” are read from the “JavaScript.txt” file.


In JavaScript, a built-in method FileReader() alongside the readline module can be used to read a file line by line. The FileReader() method reads the content of files stored on the local system. Moreover, the readline module performs the reading of the content. Both these methods require the source of the file. In contrast, you can retrieve the file through the website. Two practical examples are provided to extract the content that is found in the text file. Hence, you have learned a method of reading the content of a file.

About the author

Syed Minhal Abbas

I hold a master's degree in computer science and work as an academic researcher. I am eager to read about new technologies and share them with the rest of the world.