
How to Initialize JavaScript Date to a Particular Time Zone

In JavaScript, initializing the date to a particular time zone is useful when you need to view the date or time of any particular country. Moreover, it also assists in the case of observing the time difference among the countries.

This article will provide some easy methods for initializing the JavaScript date to a particular time zone.

Different Ways of Initializing JavaScript Date to a Particular Time Zone

In JavaScript, you can use the following methods for initializing JavaScript date to a particular time zone:

Have a look at each of the mentioned approaches one by one!

Method 1: Using “toLocaleString()” Method to Initialize JavaScript Date to a Particular Time Zone

This method involves the use of the “Date” object with the “toLocaleString()” method to initialize the date to the specified time zone.


date.toLocaleString(locales, options)

Here, the date represents the Date object which will be used to call the “toLocaleString()” method by passing the “locales” and “options” argument, which will contain the time zone information.

Let’s overview the following example for a clear understanding.


First, we will create a new Date object and store the following values (Year as “2022”, Month as “8”, Day as “23”, Hour as “8”, “0” Minutes, and “0” Seconds) respectively. Then, we will display the set date value using the “console.log()” method:

var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2022, 8, 23, 8, 0, 0));

console.log("Date in Dubai is :", date)

Next, we will initialize the date to “UK” time zone using “toLocaleString” method and pass “en-GB” as English Great Britain locales, and “Europe/London” as time zone:

console.log("Date in UK is : ", date.toLocaleString('en-GB', { timeZone: 'Europe/London' }));

As a result, we will get the following output:

Method 2: Using “Intl.DateTimeFormat()” Method to Initialize JavaScript Date to a Particular Time Zone

In JavaScript, the “Intl” class offers a “DateTimeFormat()” method that is used to format the date-time strings. This method performs the conversion to the specified time zone “UK“.

Let’s overview the following example for understanding the above concept clearly.


Firstly, we will create a Date class object and set the values as in the previous example like (Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds) respectively and display the current date with the time zone information:

var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2022, 8, 23, 8, 0, 0));

console.log('Date in China is : ', date);

Next, we will create a new Intl object named “currentTZ”, and use the DateTimeFormat() method to initialize it to the particular time zone. Lastly, display the date with the timezone information on the console:

var currentTZ= new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', {timeZone: 'Europe/London'});

var ukDate = currentTZ.format(date);

console.log('Date in UK is : ', ukDate);

The output of the above-given program will be displayed as follows:

We have provided the simplest methods for initializing JavaScript date to a particular time zone.


To initialize JavaScript Date to a Particular Time Zone, you can use the “toLocaleString()” method for direct initialization or the “Intl.DateTimeFormat()” method, which utilizes an “Intl” class object and “DateTimeFormat()” method collectively for the mentioned purpose. However, both methods work efficiently. This article assisted regarding the procedure of initializing the JavaScript date to a particular time zone.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.