
How to Get a Discord Moderator Badge

Discord has a huge network for virtual interaction and the exchange of information. It enables its users to create servers where members can chat with each other. However, sometimes, it becomes difficult for the server hosts to manage the server alone. Therefore, it is required to make different roles and assign them to the selected members. Discord also offers different badges, which indicate that they are working efficiently and are on track.

In this study, we will provide the method of getting a Discord moderator badge. Let’s get started!

How to Get a Discord Moderator Badge?

Discord assigns different badges which differentiate server admin and mod from the rest of the members. These badges appear next to the moderator’s username and are automatically shown on servers with 50 or more members. Additionally, Discord’s best moderators are certified by the “Certified Moderation program”.

Getting a Discord moderator badge involves two steps listed below.

Step 1: Read the Articles on the Discord Moderator Academy (DMA)

First, you are required to take the exam based on the DMA-provided articles. For this purpose, read the article on the Discord Moderator Academy (DMA). You can visit and access these articles through the Discord website.

Once you visit the website, you will see the brief description of “MODERATING ON DISCORD”, which discusses the importance of moderators and their work:

Scroll down the opened window to “The Curriculum”; it contains various articles to learn about community and moderation management which starts from the “Basics”:

After completing the “Basics” section articles, move to the next “Setup and Function” sections, in which you will learn the uses of Discord features to manage moderation. Then, move on to “Advanced Community Management”, which teaches you about decision-making and community management:

Lastly, in the “Moderation Seminars” section, you will get to know about moderation strategy and philosophy:

Once you are done with it, move to the next step.

Step 2: Take the Discord Moderator Academy Exam

After studying the articles, take the Discord Moderation Academy Exam and wait for the response from Discord. They will share with you the invitation to join the “Discord Moderation Community” If your exam passes. In these communities, you can share the knowledge and feedback with the Discord team. To get a Discord moderation badge, you should be an active member of the Discord server for at least three months.

That’s all about the process of getting a Discord moderator badge!


To get a Discord moderator badge, first, you have to read the articles provided by the “Discord Moderator Academy (DMA)”. Where you will learn from “Basics” of community and moderation management, the “Setup and Function” sections will teach moderation management, the “Advanced Community Management” section is all about decision-making, and the “Moderation Seminars” section contains moderation strategy and philosophy. After reading articles, take the Discord Moderation Academy Exam . This study provided the method of getting a Discord moderator badge.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.