Raspberry Pi

How to watch Disney+ on the Raspberry Pi operating system

You are getting bored! Why? When there is an entertainment world known as the “Disney+” is waiting for you. Yes, the “Disney+” provides you with a lot of blockbuster movies and also the content of Disney world, NationalGeographic, and Marvel. The Disney+ is a popular streaming service that can be accessed on the Raspberry Pi and the most convenient way to use the Disney+ on Raspberry Pi is through the “Kodi” application and the installation procedure of the Kodi application is simple.

In this write-up, we will learn the method to stream videos on Disney+ using the Raspberry Pi operating system.

How to install the Kodi on the Raspberry Pi

The quick installation of the Kodi on the Raspberry pi is explained but before proceeding towards it, we will make sure the packages are up to date using the command:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y

After making sure all the packages are up to date, we will run the following command for the installation of the Kodi:

$ sudo apt install kodi -y

This installation will take some time so have some other work to do or have a cup of coffee!

How to set up Disney+ on the Raspberry Pi using Kodi

To set the Disney+, we will launch the Kodi application by clicking on the Raspberry Pi startup menu and then clicking on the “Kodi” in the “Sound & Video” option:

A Kodi application will be launched and now click on the settings:

Choose the “File Manager”:

Click on the “Add source” and a dialog box will appear:

Click on the “None”:

Type the URL here http://k.slyguy.xyz:

Now type the “slyguy” in the “media source” field and click on “OK”:

Go to the Settings in the main menu and choose “Add-ons”:

Choose the “Install from zip file”:

A warning will appear, click on the “Yes” button:

Select the “Slyguy”:

Now click on the “Slyguy.zip” to install this zip file:

A notification will appear that the slyguy repository has been installed. Now again go back and choose the “Install from repository”:

Choose the “SlyGuy repository”:

Here find “Video add-ons” and choose the Disney+:

Click on the install and choose OK button to install the dependencies:

The “Disney+” has been installed:

Click on the “Open”, to launch the Disney+:

Login to Disney+ by using your account credentials:


Disney+ is a streaming platform just like Netflix where a number of shows can be enjoyed online after buying a paid subscription to Disney+ on mobile, tablet, or laptop. All the content of the videos is in the original versions and the quality of the videos is in HD. In this write-up, we have discussed how Disney+ can be installed on the Raspberry Pi using the Kodi tool.

About the author

Hammad Zahid

I'm an Engineering graduate and my passion for IT has brought me to Linux. Now here I'm learning and sharing my knowledge with the world.