Raspberry Pi

How to Set up Shutdown Button Raspberry Pi with Python

Raspberry Pi 4 is used not only like an ordinary PC but also to configure different electronic projects like home automation. Unfortunately, like other computers and electronic machines, there is no switch to control the power of the Raspberry Pi. When the C-type USB cable is attached to the Raspberry Pi connected to the power socket, the Raspberry Pi is turned on and when its power source is removed it is turned off.

In this write-up, we will explore the method to shut down the Raspberry Pi using the python code and some components of electronics.

Hardware assembling on breadboard

To shutdown the Raspberry Pi using a push-button, we need a push-button, male-female jumper wires, a Raspberry Pi 4, and a breadboard which is used for prototyping. We will first place a push-button, Raspberry Pi 4 on the breadboard:

Next step is to connect one terminal of the button with the GPIO 26 and the other terminal with the ground:

How to set up a button to control the power of the Raspberry Pi with a Python code

We can control the Raspberry Pi using the button with the help of the Python code. For this purpose, we will first create a Python file with the name “shutdown” having an extension of “py”:

$ nano shutdown.py

Write the Python code which is mentioned below:

from gpiozero import Button
#import button library from the Pi GPIOZero library
import time
# import time library
import os
#imports OS library

shut_But = Button(26)
# declared GPIO 26 pin for input of button

while True:
# declared the infinite loop
     if shut_But.is_pressed:
     #Check to see if button is pressed
        # wait for the hold time
        if shut_But.is_pressed:
        #check to see if button is pressed
            os.system("shutdown now -h")
            #shut down the Pi
            # wait to loop again so we don’t use the processor too much.

Explanation of code: In the code, first we have imported three libraries that are used for the purposes described:

gpiozero The gpiozero library provides the functions which are used to manage the GPIO pins
time The time library provides the functions used to produce the time delays and time-related functions
os The OS library provides the functions which are used to manage the operating system

Now to run the above code of the shutdown.py file, we will use the command:

$ python shutdown.py

When the push button is pressed from the hardware configuration and then released, the Raspberry Pi shutdowns but for this every time we have to run the shutdown Python code file.

Now, we will make some changes so that it will shut down by using the button directly without running the Python file. For this purpose, we will run the command:

$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local

And then add the following line before the “exit 0” (make sure to replace the path of the Python code file):

sudo python /home/pi/shutdown.py &

To save the changes, reboot the Raspberry Pi by using the reboot command:

$ reboot

When the system is rebooted, press the button for a while and the system will be shut down.


We can control the power supply of the Raspberry Pi by using a push-button and with the help of a Python script. This will make the system shut down safely like other computers. In this write-up, we have configured a circuit consisting of a Raspberry Pi 4 and a push-button and made it shut down using a Python script.

About the author

Hammad Zahid

I'm an Engineering graduate and my passion for IT has brought me to Linux. Now here I'm learning and sharing my knowledge with the world.