Raspberry Pi

Save Raspberry Pi Power Consumption by Turning Off Built-in LEDs

The Raspberry Pi 4 is the latest release of the Raspberry Pi foundation that has enough capability to provide you with adequate performance suitable for running a full desktop environment. However, the device’s performance may slow down if running excess devices resources. Among these resources, the built-in LEDs are the one that consumes little power. These LEDs, though, show you the device’s status, but running them for a longer time may not be ideal for someone who wants to save power.

In this article, I will show you how to turn off built-in LEDs on Raspberry Pi 4 to save the device’s power consumption.

Save Raspberry Pi Power Consumption by Turning off Built-in LEDs

Before moving towards the main process to turn off built-in LEDs on Raspberry Pi, you should know about the LEDs on Raspberry Pi. The detail is provided in the table shown below:

LED Description
ACT (Green) It describes the status of the SD card as it blinks during the activity performed on the SD card.
PWR (Red) It’s a power indicator LED that describes the power supply status.
ACT Ethernet (Green) It shows the status of the Ethernet cable and it blinks during internet connectivity.
ACT Ethernet (Amber) When the Ethernet cable is connected to the device, it turns on.

Now to turn off the LEDs, follow the below-given steps:

Step 1: Open the Boot configuration file on Raspberry Pi through the nano editor via the following command:

$ sudo nano /boot/config.txt

If you want to turn off the ACT LED, you can add the following lines inside the boot configuration file:

# Turnoff ACT LED



If you want to turn off PWR LED on Raspberry Pi, add the following lines.

# Turn off PWR LED



For turning off the ethernet LEDs, which are LNK and ACT, add the following lines:

# Turn off Ethernet LNK LED


# Turn off Ethernet ACT LED


Note: You can comment the lines using “#” if you don’t want to turn off any LED.

Once the lines are added, you can save the file using “CTRL+X”, add “Y” and enter. Then reboot the system using the reboot command to apply the changes. This will turn off the built-in LEDs on your Raspberry Pi system.


Turning off built-in LEDs on Raspberry Pi will save some of the power consumed by the device. You can manually turn off the LEDs within the boot configuration files. The only thing you have to do is add some lines inside the file given in the above guidelines and save the file. Reboot is required for the changes.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.