Raspberry Pi

Monitor Raspberry Pi Health Status in Real Time Using Linfo

Linfo is an open-source system monitoring tool designed to provide users with a comprehensive overview of the system’s health and performance. It collects several system information, including software, hardware, memory, CPU, and network processes. You can view all this real-time system information on the web browser using the system’s IP address.

Follow this guide to install Linfo on Raspberry Pi and monitor the system’s health status.

Monitor Raspberry Pi Health Status in Real Time Using Linfo

Follow the below-given steps to install Linfo and monitor the Raspberry Pi health status on the browser:

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Begin the process by installing Apache and PHP on the Raspberry Pi system through the following command:

$ sudo apt install apache2 php -y

Step 2: Create Linfo Directory in Apache Directory

Nex, you have to create the Linfo directory in the Apache root directory using the following command:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/linfo

Step 3: Download Linfo Source File

Now run the following command to download Linfo source file from GitHub website on Raspberry Pi:

$ git clone https://github.com/jrgp/linfo.git

Step 4: Move Linfo Source Files

Next, you have to sync Linfo source file to the Apache root directory location using the following command:

$ sudo rsync -av linfo/ /var/www/html/linfo/

Step 5: Access Linfo Dashboard on Raspberry Pi

Open browser on Raspberry Pi or any system and enters the following address in the URL bar:

$ http://<Pi-Address>/linfo

Note: Replace <Pi-Address> with your Raspberry Pi IP address, which you can find from the “hostname -I” command.

You will see the Raspberry Pi device information on the browser.

At this point, you can view information related to your device and monitor the health status in real-time using the Linfo tool.


Linfo is an effective tool for monitoring Raspberry Pi’s health status in real-time on the browser. It requires Apache and PHP that must be installed on the Raspberry Pi system through the “apt” command. After that, you must clone the Linfo source file through the “git” command and move the source files to the Apache root directory. Then, open the browser on any system and use the Raspberry Pi IP address to access the Linfo dashboard.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.