Raspberry Pi

How to Install and Run Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi

A Wiki is an online collaborative platform used to create, store and manage content in an organized manner. Developing and managing a wiki is effective for sharing information and collaborating with other people worldwide. If you have purchased Raspberry Pi, you can use it to host your own wiki by installing Wiki.js on your system.

In this guide, you will learn about:

What is Wiki.js

Wiki.js is a free and open-source Wiki software written in JavaScript and uses the Node.js runtime environment. It is a powerful and versatile wiki platform that helps you create and edit content. It is often used to create and maintain knowledge bases, documentation and several other types of shared information. It is like a software that you can use to create and manage the wiki, as it provides various tools that help you edit pages, add images, files as well as manage users and permissions.

What are Features of Wiki.js

Wiki.js is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features, some of them are given below:

  • Search and Filtering
  • Markdown Editor
  • Authentication
  • User Management and Permissions
  • Built-in Search Engine
  • Git Backed Storage
  • Version Control and History
  • Search and Filtering
  • Global Navigation
  • Themes and Customization

Why is it Important to Install and Run Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi

Wiki.js is a good choice for Raspberry Pi because:

  • It is lightweight, efficient, and ideal for running on a low-powered device like Raspberry Pi.
  • It can be easily installed and configured on your Raspberry Pi system.
  • It has large community support, helping you in solving problems while working with Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi.

Prerequisites for Running Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi

To install Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • Raspberry Pi Device with Minimum 2GB RAM
  • Raspberry Pi Operating System
  • Complete Desktop Setup
  • A Stable Ethernet or Wi-Fi Connection

How to Install and Run Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi

Installing and running Wiki.js on Raspberry Pi is straightforward process and can be done through the following steps:

Step 1: Upgrade Raspberry Pi Packages

Ensure the packages you installed on Raspberry Pi are up to date, if they are not, the following command should be used to upgrade them.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Install Docker and Docker Compose on Raspberry Pi

You should also ensure Docker and Docker Compose installation on Raspberry Pi. There are multiple methods to install Docker and Docker Compose on Raspberry Pi; however, the most straightforward method to install them is through the apt package manager using the following command:

sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose -y

Step 3: Create a wikijs Directory

Now, create a wikijs directory on Raspberry Pi from the following command because you have to put all the contents of the installation in this directory.

mkdir wikijs

Step 4: Navigate to wikijs Directory

You can navigate to the created wikijs directory on Raspberry Pi by using the following command:

cd wikijs

Step 5: Create a Docker Compose yml File

Inside the wikijs directory, you have to create a Docker yml file from the following command:

sudo nano docker-compose.yml

Then inside the file, add the following lines:

version: "3"



image: postgres:15-alpine



POSTGRES_PASSWORD: <your password>



driver: "none"

restart: unless-stopped


- db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data


image: ghcr.io/requarks/wiki:2


- db


DB_TYPE: postgres


DB_PORT: 5432

DB_USER: wikijs

DB_PASS: <your password>

DB_NAME: wiki

restart: unless-stopped


- "80:3000"



Just replace the password of your choice in place of <your password> in the above-mentioned code, while the rest of the lines remain the same.

Step 6: Save the Changes

After replacing the password, save the file by pressing CTRL+X, add Y and press enter.

Step 7: Pull the Latest Version of Wiki.js and Postgres

Before moving towards accessing the Wiki.js interface, you have to run one final command provided below to pull the latest version of Wiki.js and Postgres on your Raspberry Pi system:

docker compose up -d

Wait till the process completes pulling up the files.

Step 8: Access Wiki.js Interface

After completing the pull operation, you can access the Wiki.js interface by running the following address in the browser.


Note: The IP address of Raspberry Pi can be found from the “hostname -I” or “ifconfig” commands.

Step 9: Complete the Information

You must provide your administrator email, password and site URL, then click on the Install button to complete the installation of Wiki.js:

After the installation is completed, you will see the Wiki.js sign in page. Provide email and password to log in to Wiki.js:

Seeing the Wiki.js welcome page after the log in will ensure that Wiki.js is successfully installed and running on the Raspberry Pi system. You can browse the Wiki.js administration page or create a homepage by yourself.

Note: You must be aware of using it, you can get a complete guide from here.


Wiki.js is an effective platform for managing wiki and can be installed on Raspberry Pi within a few steps. You have to update packages on your system, then install Docker and Docker Compose later on since they are required for running Wiki.js. Afterward, you have to run the docker-compose command to pull the latest version of Wiki.js and Postgres on Raspberry Pi, then use the host IP address to access the Wiki.js webpage on the browser.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.