Raspberry Pi

How to Install VSCodium on Raspberry Pi

VSCodium is a free and open-source code editor that offers similar features and environment to Microsoft Visual Studio Code, but with no telemetry tracking or licenses restrictions. It was created to eliminate the need to download and build from source code. This project has specialized build scripts that clone Microsoft’s VSCode repository, execute the build instructions, and post the finished binaries to GitHub releases on your behalf. These binaries have an MIT license attached to them.

Follow this guide to install VSCodium on Raspberry Pi system.

How to Install VSCodium on Raspberry Pi

To install VSCodium on Raspberry Pi, focus on the following steps.

Step 1: Update Raspberry Pi repository using the following command:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Now, install snap daemon on Raspberry Pi through the following command:

$ sudo apt install snapd

Step 3: Install core from snap daemon that helps install latest version of snap package on the system.

$ sudo snap install core

Step 4: Finally use the following command on Raspberry Pi to install the VSCodium through snap daemon.

$ sudo snap install codium --classic

Run VSCodium on Raspberry Pi

Go to Raspberry Pi’s Application menu and run the VSCodium from the “Programming” section.

This launches the VSCodium interface on the Raspberry Pi desktop.

There you can begin writing codes with VSCodium on Raspberry Pi system.

Remove VSCodium from Raspberry Pi

To remove VSCodium from your Raspberry Pi system, type the command given below on the terminal.

$ sudo snap remove codium


VSCodium is an ideal choice for the developers who want to experience similar features of Visual Studio Code. They can easily install VSCodium on Raspberry through Snap store through above-mentioned guidelines. Once the installation is completed, they can then experience VSCodium’s powerful features, including code completion, syntax highlighting and much more.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.