Raspberry Pi

How to Install and Setup MariaDB Server on Raspberry Pi

MariaDB is an open-source, popular relational database server introduced by the developers of MySQL. It is widely used for creating a web server or accessing a database system since it has high speed and performance that helps you do any database management task. Most cloud servers put MariaDB server at the top because of enhanced performance and easy setup feature that helps users create different databases on their systems.

In this article, you will learn how to install and set up the MariaDB server on your Raspberry Pi system.

How to Install and Setup MariaDB Server on Raspberry Pi

You can install and set up the MariaDB server on your Raspberry Pi system through the following steps:

Step 1: Update Raspberry Pi Repository

The Raspberry Pi system does include a MariaDB server repository, which makes it simple for the users to install it. However, to ensure an updated version of MariaDB, you must update the repository through the following command:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

The first part of the command checks for package updates, while the second part installs the updates on your Raspberry Pi system.

Step 2: Install MariaDB Server

Once the Raspberry Pi repository is updated, follow the below-given command to install the MariaDB server:

$ sudo apt install mariadb-server -y

The above command installs the MariaDB server. In my case, it’s already installed on Raspberry Pi.

Step 3: Configure MariaDB Server

Before creating your first MariaDB database, you must secure the MariaDB server.

For this purpose, you must execute the following command to enter the MariaDB configuration.

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

You must enter your system password to log in to the MariaDB database. After login, you can safely reply with “n” to stay with the root account protected option.

Remove the anonymous users by replying with the “Y” option.

Disable the root login remotely by replying with the “Y” option.

You can remove the test database using the “Y” option.

Reload the privilege tables with the “Y” option to apply the changes you made earlier. This completes the configuration of the MariaDB server on your Raspberry Pi system.

Step 4: Create a Database Via MariaDB Monitor

To start learning how to create your first MariaDB database, execute the following command to enter MariaDB monitor.

$ sudo mysql

Enter the following command to create a database for the MariaDB server.

create database <database_name>;

Replace the <database_name>:

create database mariadb

Remember, you can name your database according to your choice.

To confirm the database is created, you can use the following command:

show databases;

Now set a username and password for the database you created earlier and for this reason, you have to use the following command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <database_name>.* TO '<user_name>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';

Replace the <user_name> and <passoword> in the above command.

You have to enter your database name, username, and password in the above command and then you can apply the changes by flushing the privileges table through the following command:


After the changes are applied, you can quit the MariaDB setup using the following command:


At this moment, you have successfully created your first database using the MariaDB server. In this way, you can create any database you want or access other databases with the help of MariaDB.


MariaDB is a simple and easy-to-use relational database server. You can install this database server on Raspberry Pi directly from the official repository and then use the “my_secure_installation” command to secure your database. Later, you can create your database by login into the MariaDB monitor through the “mysql” command.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.