Raspberry Pi

How to Install LibreTranslate on Raspberry Pi

LibreTranslate is an open-source project that provides users with a free and accurate translation engine. It’s quite simple and easier to use, and its goal is to provide users with a high-quality translation engine that can quickly translate any text, including Raspberry Pi.

This article is a guide to install LibreTranslate on a Raspberry Pi system.

How to Install LibreTranslate on Raspberry Pi

You can install LibreTranslate on Raspberry Pi easily through the following command:

$ pip3 install libretranslate

After the installation, run the following command to start LibreTranslate on Raspberry Pi:

$ libretranslate

Wait till LibreTranslate finishes updating the language model on the Raspberry Pi system.

Now open the browser and use the following address.

$ http://localhost:5000

If you see the numpy error while translating, as shown below:

Then you have to install numpy through the following command to fix the error.

$ pip3 install -U numpy

You must run the LibreTranslate again on the terminal and reload the webpage using the address “localhost:5000” to start using the translating service on Raspberry Pi.

Remove LibreTranslate from Raspberry Pi

You can remove LibreTranslate from Raspberry Pi through the following command:

$ pip3 uninstall libretranslate

Process towards the installation using the “y” option.

At this point, you have successfully removed LibreTranslate from the Raspberry Pi system.


LibreTranslate is a translation engine that quickly translates a paragraph into other languages. You can create your LibreTranslate API server on a Raspberry Pi system by installing it from the pip installer. After the successful installation, run the “libretranslate” on the terminal and wait for it to download the languages. Once it’s done, you can then access the LibreTranslate API server using the address “localhost:5000” on your system browser and enjoy using it without the restriction of word counts.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.